Israeli lobby

Palestine, Israel and CNN

CNN continues to foster the fantasy that the very existence of a poor, vulnerable little Israel is in grave danger from big, bad Palestine. It makes no mention of the fact that Israel has the most modern weaponry on the planet, provided by the United States, or that Israel receives $3 billion a year in aid from the U.S., while Palestine receives nothing. It also doesn’t mention that many of the weapons used against Palestinians citizens are in violation of international law.

Half-truths, Omissions and Distortions

ISIS (DAASH) now recruiting in Palestinian camps in Lebanon–who are those guys?

On the subject of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIS (DAASH) Netanyahu expressed the intention of his regime to continue to promote internal strife in Israel’s neighboring states. “We must weaken both [Sunni and Shia Muslims],” Netanyahu said, restating his governments preferred policy to have Muslims continue fighting among themselves. “When your enemies are fighting each other, don’t strengthen either one of them, weaken both,” he told the American public.

Franklin Lamb

Do You Hate Us; the Jews?

 As long as their religion, their culture and their behavior are based on the racist supremacist ideology that the Jews, and only the Jews, are God’s chosen people, that they are the only humans on earth, and the rest of the people are animals created by this discriminative God to serve the Jews, they will definitely and unquestionably face a great deal of legitimate resentment and intolerance.



Patrick Seale: Israel’s Messianic Terrorists

Editor’s Note: Intifada Palestine is republishing this article in remembrance of the late Patrick Seale who passed away yesterday April 11, 2014 at the age of 83 after suffering from brain cancer.  He had many skills – as author, journalist, broadcaster, Middle East historian, arts aficionado and dealer and literary agent. But most notably he was the English-speaking world’s foremost chronicler and interpreter of Syria, its troubled modern history and its leadership during the past 44 years that of the al-Assad family, father Hafez and son Bashar.

Israel Is No Ally But Is It Even A Friend?

[This is an edited version of a speech given by me at the National Summit to Reassess the Israel-US Special Relationship, which took place at the National Press Center in Washington on March 7th. The all day event included speakers Stephen Walt, Justin Raimondo, Paul Pillar, Jeff Blankfort, Alan Brownfeld, Philip Weiss, Ray McGovern and Scott McConnell. It was broadcast live by C-Span and is still available on their site.]
by Philip Giraldi

Anger as Cameron tries to superglue Britain to Israel

Prime Minister is asking to be targeted by BDS
 by Stuart Littlewood   
(London) The other day I signed a ‘Get Well’ petition for Palestinian youngsters Adam and Johar who were viciously maimed and crippled by the British Government’s ‘friends’ in Israel .

National Summit on the Israeli Lobby this morning on C-Span TV and online

National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" today, March 7, on C-SPAN 3 via cable or satellite TV 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Standard Timeor view it online at RECORD IT IF YOU CAN)Panelists include Professor Stephen Walt (author of  "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"), and Ernie Gallo, a survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 Americans and injured 174. Schedule (all times are Eastern)1.