Israeli Defence Force (IDF)

Violence Against Human Animals: Images from the Israel-Hamas War

With the body count rising in this latest, and particularly bloody Israel-Hamas War, the narrative of Israel the wounded, Israel the desperate, has now been annexed to Israel the just warrior State, fighting darkness and primaeval stone age barbarism. This has taken two forms.  The first is the way the victims of the Hamas attacks […]

Another Disruption of Anti-Palestinian Event, Another Punch

 On Sunday Bill Sloan and I interrupted a Technion Canada fundraiser to challenge its support of the Israeli military and the role of government-subsidized charities in promoting Israeli apartheid. After entering the room, I declared “Technion Canada supports the Israeli military and the Israeli military’s war crimes. Technion Canada has projects that support the Israeli […]

US Interests and Israeli Crimes

Many people were surprised and outraged when US President Biden recently fist bumped Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. After all, as a candidate, Biden pledged to make the Saudi kingdom a pariah since the Crown Prince had been directly linked to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In contrast, consider the relative lack of […]
The post US Interests and Israeli Crimes first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Israel’s Premature “Victory” Celebration

For years, Palestinians, as well as Israelis, have labored to redraw the battle lines. The three-day Israeli war on Gaza, starting on August 5, clearly manifested this reality. Throughout its military operation, Israel has repeatedly underscored the point that the war was targeting the Islamic Jihad Movement only, not Hamas or anyone else. A somewhat […]
The post Israel’s Premature “Victory” Celebration first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Condemn latest Israeli attack on Gaza, Canadian complicity

Israel has attacked Gaza again and it’s time Canadians understood their country’s contribution to the brutal treatment of those living in the 360 square kilometre strip of land. Today Israel killed at least 10, including a five-year-old girl, in Gaza. Seventy-five more Palestinians were injured in the latest outburst of Israeli violence. Most of those […]

The Shameful UN “List of Shame”

“We regret we failed to protect you.” This was part of a statement issued by United Nations human rights experts on July 14, urging the Israeli government to release Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Manasra. Only 14 years old at the time of his arrest and torture by Israeli forces, Manasra is now 20 years old. His case is […]
The post The Shameful UN “List of Shame” first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Myths and Facts about the Israeli Siege on Gaza

15 years have passed since Israel imposed a total siege on the Gaza Strip, subjecting nearly two million Palestinians to one of the longest and most cruel politically-motivated blockades in history. The Israeli government had then justified its siege as the only way to protect Israel from Palestinian “terrorism and rocket attacks”. This remains the […]
The post Myths and Facts about the Israeli Siege on Gaza first appeared on Dissident Voice.

If the Media can probe Shireen Abu Akleh’s Death, Why Not the Murder of Other Palestinians?

The New York Times published this week the conclusion of its investigation into the killing of the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. It was the fourth major US news organisation to look in detail at what happened to Abu Akleh during an Israeli army raid into the Palestinian city of Jenin last month. The New […]