Israeli Crimes

UK’s leading pro-Palestine campaign group blocks call to expel Israel from the UN (again)

The Wall was not built on, or in most cases near the 1967 Green Line, but rather cuts deep into the West Bank, expanding Israel’s theft of Palestinian land and resources. In total, 85% of the Wall is located in the West Bank Image credit:
by Stuart Littlewood
At its Annual General Meeting last weekend the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) threw out a proposal to seek Israel’s expulsion from the United Nations.

Open Letter in Support of Dr. Vacy Vlazna

40 Merrifield Court,
Welwyn Garden City HERTS.
Attn:   Prof. Grant Guilford                                            Tuesday, 06 October 2015
            Victoria University
            Wellington, New Zealand.
Ref:    Open-letter In support of Dr Vacy Vlazna

Palestine, Israel and CNN

CNN continues to foster the fantasy that the very existence of a poor, vulnerable little Israel is in grave danger from big, bad Palestine. It makes no mention of the fact that Israel has the most modern weaponry on the planet, provided by the United States, or that Israel receives $3 billion a year in aid from the U.S., while Palestine receives nothing. It also doesn’t mention that many of the weapons used against Palestinians citizens are in violation of international law.

Half-truths, Omissions and Distortions

Zionist lying unchecked

Image above: Israeli bombing of Gaza. “The state of Israel has turned the occupied territories of Palestine into permanent death camps,” said South Africa’s ruling party The African National Congress (ANC).



The handling of the tortured and burned Palestinian child shed more light on Israeli racism, but equally important is exposing the complicity of US media as a favourite outlet for unchecked Zionist liying to cover up Israeli crimes.


The real story of the UN Human Rights Council: Europe slams Israeli crimes

by Ben White
(MEMO) – Last week, Israel found itself isolated and condemned in Geneva, as the United Nations Human Rights Council passed four damning resolutions, each by 46-1. The resolutions testify to grave violations of international law, including the Geneva Conventions, as well as systematic discrimination and wide-scale human rights abuses.

BDS action protesting the Batsheva Dance Company in Adelaide by the Australian Friends of Palestine Association

(Editors Note) Congratulations to Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA). Your action will inspire continued growth of the BDS movement during 2014. The boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has again shown that it represents an increasingly effective form of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality