
Gaza resistance: beginning of the end for apartheid Israel?

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Beirut-based journalist Laith Marouf about what Israel’s latest war on Gaza means for Palestinian resistance.   Marouf analyzes the new military capacity demonstrated by Hamas during the war and examines how the region might respond to Israeli aggression in the future. He also provides context on the political failures of the Palestinian Authority in The West Bank to respond to the needs and desires of the Palestinian people.  

How a fascist party brought into Israel’s parliament by Netanyahu helped him start the war he wanted

After Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu paved its way into Israel’s parliament, the fascist Jewish Power party sparked anti-Palestinian pogroms, giving him a pretext to attack Gaza. The day after a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas went into effect, ending 11 days of mutual bombardment that resulted in the deaths of some 250 Palestinians, 10 Israelis, and three Asian workers, mainstream Israeli commentators piled on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of launching the war for his own personal benefit. The […]

To distract from Gaza slaughter, Israel lobby manufactures antisemitism freakout

With deceptively edited videos and dubious allegations, the Israel lobby has manufactured an antisemitism epidemic to turn the media’s gaze away from dead children in Gaza. Following an 11-day assault on the Gaza Strip in which the Israeli army killed over 220 people, including more than 65 children, and days of videotaped rampages of Jewish extremist mobs against Palestinian people and property inside Israeli cities, Israel lobbyists in the US and Canada have launched a carefully coordinated public relations campaign […]

Roger Waters and Gabor Maté on Israel’s apartheid wars and the price of speaking out for Palestine

In a Grayzone livestream, Pink Floyd founder Roger Waters and renowned psychotherapist Gabor Maté discuss Israel’s latest assault on Gaza, the rising power of Palestine solidarity activism, and their own paths to clarity on the issue
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Palestinian journalists targeted by Israel in Gaza speak out

Gaza-based journalist Motasem A. Dalloul provides Red Lines host Anya Parampil with a frontline view of Israel’s attack and details his own travails as he and his family weather the bombardment of their neighborhood. Parampil also speaks with Safwat Kahlout of Al Jazeera’s Gaza bureau about Israel’s targeted bombing of his office. He reflects on the pain he felt after the working space he shared with his colleagues was destroyed. Transcript ANYA PARAMPIL: Hi everyone, I’m Anya Parampil, and this is […]

Killing Gaza: Dan Cohen & Max Blumenthal’s documentary shows life under Israel’s bombs and siege

Filmed behind the walls of the Gaza Strip in the middle of Israel’s 2014 military assault, Killing Gaza presents a harrowing vision of siege and highlights a dispossessed people’s undying will to resist In Killing Gaza, independent journalists Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen documented Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza and its devastating aftermath. Yet this film is much more than a documentary about Palestinian resilience and suffering. It is a chilling visual document of war crimes committed by the Israeli military, […]

Finkelstein: Palestine’s ICC victory thwarted by Israel’s apartheid reality

The International Criminal Court has ruled that it can investigate Israel for war crimes in the Occupied Territories. But scholar Norman Finkelstein warns that the decision will unlikely lead to justice. In a landmark ruling, the International Criminal Court has ruled that it has jurisdiction to investigate Israel for war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. However, scholar and author Norman Finkelstein warns that the ICC decision, while historic, is unlikely to deliver justice. According to Finkelstein, the Palestinian Authority’s […]

Israel bombs Gaza every day since UAE normalization announced

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Ali Abunimah, co-founder of the Electronic Intifada, about the recent announcement that Israel and the United Arab Emirates plan to normalize relations. They discuss the conditions which led to the deal as well as what the agreement will mean for Palestinians, particularly those in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Venezuelan Guaidó coup regime is restoring relations with Israel, decade after Hugo Chávez broke ties

The US-backed Venezuelan coup regime of Juan Guaidó is reestablishing ties with Israel and has opened a “virtual embassy” in Jerusalem, run by a right-wing rabbi who lives in Miami and wants Netanyahu’s help to fight “terrorism.” By Ben Norton Venezuela’s late socialist President Hugo Chávez was a strong supporter of Palestinian rights who officially […]