
Timeline of my tweets and interviews on Israel-Palestine between 7th & 15th October

Ever since Hamas attacked Israel, my tweets and interviews have caused much controversy. In the interests of both those who agree with me and those who disagree with me, I list below every one of those interventions. An honest debate founded on what each one of us has said (as opposed to what various trolls […]

List of war crimes and crimes qualifying as genocide committed by Israel in Gaza between 7th & 14th October 2023

Defenders of Israel’s bombing and invasion of Gaza have challenged me to offer a ‘chapter-and-verse’ list of war crimes that Israel has committed since the Hamas Offensive of 7th October. Here is an indicative, but not exhaustive, list. There is no doubt: Israel is investing in war crimes to effect its recapture and ethnic cleansing […]

Has Israel’s govt recruited a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee?

“He should not have security clearance. That’s just common sense,” a former Special Forces officer warned after Rep. Brian Mast showed up to work in an Israeli military uniform. Brian Mast, a member of the United States Congress seated on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, showed up for work this October 13 clad in the uniform of the Israeli military.  “As the only member to serve with both the United States Army and the Israel Defense Forces, I will always […]

Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village

After an Israeli reserve soldier named David Ben Zion told a reporter Palestinian militants “cut [off] heads of babies,” Biden, Netanyahu, and the international media amplified the dubious claim. The Grayzone has identified Ben Zion as a fanatical settler leader who incited riots by demanding a Palestinian town be “wiped out.” An international outcry erupted when Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced that Palestinian militants from the besieged Gaza Strip had killed 40 “babies,” and beheaded several of them during an incursion […]

RFK Jr staff block Israel-Palestine dialogue after the candidate agreed

A day after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. agreed to a public discussion with Max Blumenthal on Israel-Palestine, his campaign walked back his words. RFK Jr. has pledged “unconditional support” to Israel while spouting vitriolic anti-Palestinian rhetoric. One day after Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. agreed to comedian and podcaster Jimmy Dore’s proposal that he engage with The Grayzone’s editor-in-chief, Max Blumenthal, in a public dialogue on Israel-Palestine, Kennedy’s campaign nixed the discussion. During an August 1 phone call […]

How Ron Desantis puts Israel first and assaults the speech rights of American citizens

While posing as a defender of free speech, Florida’s Ron DeSantis has played point man on the Israel lobby’s crusade to criminalize American citizens for their exercising their constitutionally-protected right to boycott Israel. Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has spent his career as an elected official pushing an array of laws attacking the free speech of American citizens who exercise their constitutionally-protected right to boycott Israel. One anti-boycott bill DeSantis championed sought to send violators to prison […]

Former Israeli PM Bennett says US ‘blocked’ his attempts at a Russia-Ukraine peace deal

Bennett says the US and its Western allies decided to ‘keep striking Putin’ and not negotiate This article was originally published by Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in an interview posted to his YouTube channel on Saturday that the US and its Western allies “blocked” his efforts of mediating between Russia and Ukraine to bring an end to the war in its early days. On March 5, 2022, Bennett traveled to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin. In […]

Zelensky and NATO plan to transform post-war Ukraine into ‘a big Israel’

The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by Obama’s former ambassador to Tel Aviv, now an Israeli spy-tech consultant. Just forty days after Russia’s military campaign began inside Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky told reporters that in the future, his country would be like “a big Israel.” The following day, one of Israel’s top promoters in the Democratic Party published an op-ed in NATO’s official think tank exploring […]

Were the notorious ‘Dancing Israelis’ 9/11 plotters, spies, or just common scam artists?

The “five dancing Israelis” intrigue lives on twenty years after the September 11 attacks. But the reality behind the incident may have been more mundane. A bizarre incident in which a group of Israelis were arrested on September 11, 2001 has led to theories about the men’s role in the attack on New York City’s World Trade Center that day. After twenty years of conjecture and speculation, an investigation by The Grayzone indicates that the infamous incident was the product […]

Notorious American-Israeli settler Yaakov Fauci isn’t a forex fraudster – he’s just a longtime Jewish terror group activist

One Justin C Fauci bilked investors around the world of $100 million; another New Yorker with the exact same name immigrated to Israel, joined the terrorist Kahane movement, and gained infamy colonizing Sheikh Jarrah. Editor’s note: An article on Justin C. Fauci originally published at Hamzah Raza’s Substack contained erroneous information about Fauci’s identity. Following our own investigation into Fauci’s record, The Grayzone has removed its republication of Raza’s article and replaced it with the following report by David Sheen, […]