
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Time for my Sunday rant, and there are many things to talk about....First and foremost... We now see the sick and deadly game that the criminals in both the psychotic and terrorist state of Israel, as well as their puppets in the United States government, are playing when it comes to Syria... These sick bastards could not get their nice little war started by promoting the lie that Assad has used "chemical weapons" on his people, simply because that same false and tired claim was made to get the US war on Iraq off and running and people are no longer fooled...

The Criminals In Israel/US/NATO Could Not Get Their War On Syria Going By Clandestine Methods, So Now They Are Taking The More Direct Approach: Israel Bombing Syria!

Today, I am really sickened to see that the long planned war on Syria by the criminals in the United States, Israel, and NATO may finally happen.... It does seem that according to this report from Reuters News Service at, that the Israelis are carrying out bombing missions against targets in Damascus, Syria, causing explosions in the capital itself...And the Syrian government is correctly blaming the sick criminals in Israel for these horrendous unprovoked attacks....

Howard Kurtz’s Belated Comeuppance

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | May 3, 2013

For nearly a quarter century, Howard Kurtz has served as hall monitor for Washington’s conventional wisdom, handing out demerits to independent-minded journalists who don’t abide by the mainstream rules. So, there is some understandable pleasure seeing Kurtz face some accountability in his ouster as bureau chief for Newsweek and The Daily Beast.

Breaking: Israel claims to have launched an airstrike on Syria 24 hours ago

What to my early morning sleepy eyes appears? Breaking news of Israel claiming and the US confirming an airstrike took place between Thursday and Friday. That means 24 hours ago...Did the strike really take place?And if so why didn't Israel or the US mention it yesterday?Haven't had enough time to dig in or digest, but, a round up of news stories is linked below:Israel confirms strike on Syria targeted weapons : Destroyed 'game-changing' shipment of missiles