
Israel youth movement shirts display anti-Arab racism

Ma’an | May 19, 2013

BETHLEHEM – Picnickers in northern Israel were surprised Thursday when they saw anti-Arab racist slogans printed on T-shirts of a guide affiliated to a religious youth movement Ezra.
“Torching Arabs for education,” was written on the guide’s shirt, families who were picnicking in the north told the Israeli daily Maariv.

Israeli archive file shows that Israel’s founder tried to erase Palestinian Nakba

By Saed Bannoura | IMEMC & Agencies | May 18, 2013

A new report published in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz describes the information found in a newly-uncovered document in the government archives, which reveals that the first Israeli government, including the first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, worked to re-write the history of Israel’s founding in 1948 to deny the fact that over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled.

Israeli forces open fire on Palestinians, injure 11

Al-Akhbar | May 18, 2013

Israeli troops shot and wounded nine Palestinians near the West Bank city of Ramallah on Friday night, and injured two others north of Hebron, security officials and medics said.
Palestinian security officials said that Palestinians from the Jalazoun refugee camp, near Ramallah, were hurling stones at Israeli motorists near an illegal Jewish settlement before coming under fire from soldiers.

This Shows That There Is Hope Yet For Our Future: 15 Year Old California Student Gets High Mark For Report On Very Controversial Subject!

I have long been troubled by the total ignorance of the general public today to the real truths about our past,  and the dangers that our world faces today.  It is so alarming that few people are aware of the frauds of our history, and the dangers we face today by the Jewish criminal elite that is out for total world domination and our enslavement.   It comes down to this...