
Peace Expert George W Bush Says ‘Isolationism’ Is Dangerous To Peace

Humanity was treated to an important lecture on peace at a recent event for the NIR School of the Heart by none other than Ellen Degeneres BFF and world-renowned peace expert George W Bush.
“I don’t think the Iranians believe a peaceful Middle East is in their national interest,” said the former president according to The Washington Post’s Josh Rogin, whose brief Twitter thread on the subject appears to be the only record of Bush’s speech anywhere online.

Nationalism Doesn’t Mean Isolationism: Why Bertrand Russell Is Wrong

For many years, the west has experienced an unfortunate drought of genuinely nationalist leaders.
Where the concept of national sovereignty had once been considered a sacred component of a political leader’s mandate, decades of technocratic governance from above, monetarism and consumerism from below and asymmetric wars abroad has caused the word itself to be dragged through the mud of insanity.

‘US withdraws from the world’ is Trump making it great or irrelevant again?

Donald Trump promised Americans he would make the US great again, a center of a world that is becoming increasingly multipolar, yet the US appears to be withdrawing from the world at an alarming rate.
The US has found itself increasingly alienated from its traditional allies (and some would say vassals) in the EU.

Vassals no longer: Merkel, Macron advocate European sovereignty

No State Is Morally Fit to Spread Global “Freedom”

Philosopher Eric Mack [in his article “Permissible Defense,”] uses a device employed by all too many libertarians — of holding the ideal free-market anarchist system or a limited government as virtually equivalent to the current State-ridden system. Thus, he points out quite correctly that isolationism makes no sense as a principle for a free-market protective agency; he leaps from there to the conclusion that, at least for an anarchist, it cannot be a binding principle for the State either.

Two Cheers for ‘Isolationism’

A policy has to be judged by its results, and by that standard interventionism is a complete and total failure, as a look at the day’s headlines reveals. We’ve heard several public officials say Al Qaeda has been effectively dismantled, with its top leadership – including Osama bin Laden – out of commission. But that [...]