
Paul Joseph Watson thinks the Manchester ISIS bomber did not act alone

Paul Joseph Watson has released a video where he postulates that there is sufficient witness testimony from the ISIS bombing in Britain’s Manchester to indicate that the suicide bomber did not act alone.
In a video covering a wide range of issues relating to the bombing, Watson shows an interview with a woman who was at Manchester area. She spoke of seeing a woman who appeared to not speak English fidgeting and looking anxious throughout the evening. She also reportedly was smirking and looking in the direction of the eventual blast throughout the evening.

Erdogan has not allied with the Turkish far-right, he has co-opted the far-right

One of the more interesting stories from the controversial Turkish Presidential Powers referendum has been the reaction of the extreme-right to Erdogan’s consolidation of power.
Turkey’s traditional far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has for years been something of a national embarrassment for Turkey. The party argues for an ethno-centric Turkish state and the party’s unofficial paramilitary wing, the Grey Wolves, have been responsible for the killings, detentions and abuse of opposition journalists, left-wing activists, Greek and Armenian minorities and Kurds.

Ett mer rationellt förhållningssätt till islam

Nationens förhållande till islam är komplicerat. På vänsterkanten tassar man ängsligt runt i fruktan över att relevant kritik mot denna religion kan uppfattas som rasistisk. Och i vissa konservativa, nationalistiska, främlingsfientliga eller bara allmänt oroade kretsar ojar man sig högljutt över gröna faran.Dessa två, motsatta förhållningssätt har en sak gemensamt. De är inte konstruktiva.

Islamism in Egypt – untangling the confusion

Since the assassination of the Egyptian Prime Minister in 1945 and 1948, and dozens of other subsequent assassinations – most notably the assassination of President Sadat on October 6th 1981 and the assassinations perpetrated by the Brotherhood today in Egypt – their own history and the unfolding facts on the ground demonstrate that the Muslim Brotherhood have not forsaken violence and murder but rather have bequeathed this to the currents that are spawned from them.



In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia

A pro-Russian activist with a shell casing and a US-made meal pack that fell from a Ukrainian army APC in an attack on a roadblock on 3 May in Andreevka, Ukraine. Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty

“Since 1945, the US has tried to overthrow more than 50 governments, many democratically elected. The Pentagon currently runs “special operations” in 124 countries.”