
Fabian Fjalling - Fighting Back Against the Lying Swedish Press - Hour 1

Fabian Fjälling, also known as Erik Johansson from Granskning Sverige (Review Sweden), joins us for a discussion about his recent visitation by Expressen, one of the largest evening newspapers in Sweden. Fabian has been known to call up journalists, politicians, and other people in the Swedish establishment to ask whether or not the Swedes exist as a people. Fabian was recently doxed, and he'll share with us just why the media establishment in Sweden considers him a thought criminal.

“Decolonizing the Mind”: Using Hollywood Celebrities to Validate Islam

When Terry Holdbrooks Jr., converted to Islam in 2003, he was inundated with death threats and labeled a ‘race traitor.’
If a religious conversion ever deserves to be admired, Holdbrooks’ conversion does, and not because Islam has ‘won’ yet another convert, but because the new convert was assigned the very rule of subjugating his Muslim prisoners.
Yes, Terry Holdbrooks was a US army employee entrusted with guarding Guantanamo detainees.

Russia’s Orthodox Christian tradition has made it a natural defender of mainstream Islam

The contemporary foreign policy of the Russian Federation can be characterised as a pragmatic defence of self-interests along with the interests of its allies. All of these policies tend to be conducted within the framework of international law. In fact, Russia often finds herself having to define the precepts of international law to other nations who frequently violent it.

Saudi Defence Minister praises Donald Trump after meeting

Donald Trump’s meeting with Saudi Arabia’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a poignant example of how a statement is often only as important as the statement’s source.
If someone from the Arab world had called Donald Trump “…a true friend of Muslims who will serve the Muslim World in an unimaginable manner”, one could take this statement at face value and say that America is mending bridges that it had burnt with important Muslim majority countries.