
The disastrous rise of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

King Salman of Saudi Arabia has now appointed his 31 year old son Prince Mohammed bin Salman his Crown Prince, ousting his nephew, former Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who had previously supervised Saudi Arabia’s security forces, and who is credited by some people with defeating the challenge within Saudi Arabia that extreme Wahhabi terrorists connected to Al-Qaeda posed to the ruling family.

The amazing image of a terrorist fireball in Belgium’s railway station

Eyewitness Remy Bonnaffe captured the image of a terrorist fireball in Brussels’ central train station. The image captured the moment a terrorist detonated a suspected suicide bomb inside the station.
Remy Bonnaffe was walking through rail terminal when he heard  an explosion. The 23-year-old lawyer captured the image on his mobile device.
Bonnaffee told Belgian channel HLN…

Patrick Buchanan asks, after ISIS is defeated will the US and Russia go to war?

After ISIS disappears, who will inherits ISIS land?
The territory currently occupied by ISIS is Syrian sovereign land, as recognized by the United Nations. That fact has not stopped the United States and its coalition “partners” (consisting of one part Al Qaeda proxy army and one part Kurdish fighters) from illegally operating, uninvited, within Syria’s borders.
How far will America go to divide Syria, and break apart one of the only remaining secular nations in the region?

Jihadists take hostages at school in Philippines

A breakaway jihadist group operating on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao has reportedly taken hostages at a school in a village of Cotabato province.
The ISIS-linked Salafist group called Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) are the apparent culprits.
The Manila Bulletin reports that among the hostages are six children.
Local police Chief Inspector Realan Mamon has said,

Huge advances by Syrian army transform Syrian war

Though the Western media is barely reporting the fact, the last few weeks have witnessed a total transformation of the Syrian war.
Until the liberation of eastern Aleppo in December the Syrian war was being fought mainly in western Syria along a narrow stretch of Syria’s Mediterranean coast in a grinding war of attrition between the Syrian army and various Turkish backed Jihadi groups all of which were led ultimately by Al-Qaeda.

US backs down as Russia targets US aircraft in Syria

By Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | June 20, 2017 Back in April, in the immediate aftermath of the US cruise missile attack on Syria’s Al-Shayrat air base, Russia retaliated by switching off the ‘de-confliction’ hotline between the US and Russian militaries in Syria, which enables these militaries to avoid accidental clashes with each other. […]