
Islamic Radicalism: A Product of Western Imperialism

Peaceful, or not, Islam is only a religion just like any other cosmopolitan religion whether it’s Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism. Instead of taking an essentialist approach, which lays emphasis on essences, we need to look at the evolution of social phenomena in its proper historical context. For instance: to assert that human beings are evil by nature is an essentialist[Read More...]

America has done in Mosul what Russia was falsely accused of doing in Aleppo

Russia’s Foreign Minsiter Sergey Lavrov has slammed the lack of coordination of civilian evacuations in Mosul which contrasts sharply with the humanitarian corridors through which Russia evacuated civilians during the Battle of Aleppo in Syria during late 2016. East Aleppo’s humanitarian corridors were also used to supply locals starved by terrorists with essential food and medical supplies.

US Lt Col says “Russians are terrorists”, “Putin is pure evil” and “US, not Russia, killed al-Baghdadi” (Video)

This unhinged retired US Lt Col Ralph Peters, who is most likely now employed by the US military industrial complex as a “consultant”, believes Russia did not kill ISIS leader Baghdadi but the US did it.
The US Lt Col believes Russia is not fighting ISIS, but bombing the democracy loving US backed “moderate rebels” (aka AL Qaeda and Al Nusra) in Syria.
The US Lt Col believes “Russians are terrorists.”
The US Lt Col believes “Vladimir Putin hates us [the United States].”

US Likely To Establish Permanent Military Presence In Libya

Neo-conservative Republican Senators Mark Kirk of Illinois, Marco Rubio of Florida, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and John McCain of Arizona, visit Libya not long after Gadhafi’s fall.
U.S. officials familiar with the situation say that the Trump Administration is likely to announce a dramatic “ramping up” of U.S. involvement in Libya, appointing a new U.S. ambassador, and setting up a permanent U.S. military presence in the nation.

BREAKING: ISIS confirms leader Baghdadi is dead

The self-appointed leader of ISIS, the rarely seen and deeply mysterious Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been confirmed dead by ISIS (aka Daesh).
This comes shortly after Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the defeat of ISIS in Iraq.
On the 16th of June, Russia stated that the ISIS leader was killed in a Russian airstrike near Raqqa, the self-proclaimed ISIS capital in Syria.  Iran confirmed Russia’s statement shortly thereafter while the United States maintained that it had no information one whether Baghdadi was dead or alive.

CONFIRMED: Victory in Mosul: last districts of the city liberated from ISIS

The Iraqi army has won the battle of Mosul.  Though ISIS has resisted with fierce determination, and has held the Iraqi army off for 9 months, the last buildings in Mosul’s Old City still under ISIS control have now been freed.
Since there are no reports of surrenders by ISIS fighters, it is to be presumed that the 300 or so of these fighters who were still resisting in Mosul’s Old City are now all dead.