
Syrian Rebels Expect the US Military to Remain in Syria for Decades

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — According to Reuters, Washington’s main Syrian partner, the U.S.-backed SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces), believes the U.S. military will remain in northern Syria for decades after ISIS is eventually defeated.
The SDF, an alliance of militias composed mainly of the Kurdish YPG movement, believes the U.S. military has a “strategic interest” in staying in the country, SDF spokesman Talal Silo reportedly told Reuters.

Syria closes the trap: ISIS encircled in central Syria

One of the most ambitious military operations launched over the course of the Syria war is now rapidly approaching its climax, with news today that Syrian troops advancing from Resafa in the north and from Al-Sukhnah in the south have largely succeeded in surrounding ISIS fighters in a large stretch territory in central Syria east of Salamiyah, an important government held town in Hama province.

The Karma of Terror

We have been here quite often recently. Screaming headlines, non-stop coverage in the mainstream corporate-government media which Paul Craig Roberts so aptly dubbed the “presstitutes”. Hours and hours of analysis of the event, at some point lots of information about the dead victims, endless soul-searching and a desperate spate of interviews with “experts” about how to fight this growing horror. This is not supposed to happen in The West.

Georgia Judge Suspended for Comparing Attack on US Monuments to ISIS Actions

21st Century Wire says…
In the wake of the Charlottesville mêlée, reactionary ‘social justice’ flash mobs and assorted vigilantes have begun a campaign of attacking and destroying statues and monuments all over the country. The irrational rationale of these activists is that these historic monuments represent oppression and slavery, and therefore they must marked for ceremonial destruction.

GRAPHIC VIDEO: Aftermath of Barcelona terror attack

The Islamic State terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack in the Spanish city of Barcelona Thursday.
Earlier in the day, a van hit pedestrians in the city’s central Las Ramblas area. Catalonian authorities claim 13 people were killed and over 80 were hospitalized in the attack.
WARNING: Below is a graphic video of the scene captured on a cell phone by a witness immediately following the horrible attack…