
Syria days away from annihilating ISIS on the battlefield: Here’s what comes next

Mohammed Ibrahim Samra, the governor of Deir ez-Zor has stated that the Syrian Arab Army is 24 to 48 hours away from storming the gates of Deir ez-Zor city which for years has been besieged by ISIS.
Furthermore, Deir ez-Zor has subsumed the role as the major ISIS stronghold in Syria as fighters continue to flee the self-proclaimed ISIS capital of Raqqa.

CONFIRMED: Philippines armed forces will NOT bomb ISIS besieged mosque

Local Philippine media had reported that President Rodrigo Duterte had considered bombing a mosque in the partly ISIS controlled southern Philippine city of Marawi, located on the island of Mindanao.
Today, while speaking before a group of soldiers, Duterte said that in spite of the fact that hostages are being held in the mosque, Philippine armed forces will not attack the mosque as part of a rescue effort.
Duterte stated,

CONFIRMED: US backed so-called ‘moderate rebels’ sold American weapons to ISIS

As various terrorist forces in Syria, including notorious al-Qaeda factions face total collapse, pockets of ISIS in Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor remain the biggest obstacle to the full liberation of Syrian territory.
In many cases foreign fighters and some Syrians who fought with terrorist groups have fled the country with Libya being a prime destination. Others have agreed to participate in government amnesty programs and have consequently laid down their arms. Others yet have atoned for their terrorist activities and pledged their loyal to government led anti-terrorist forces.

Reporters Without Borders thinks ISIS in Africa and al-Qaeda in Syria are less dangerous to free speech than Putin and Xi

A row has erupted between the French based group Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières–RSF) and RT’s editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan.
The incident began when RSF referred to individuals at RT as “enemies of journalism”. Simonyan fired back saying that the group should ‘self-dissolve’.
READ MORE: RT Chief slams Reporters Without Borders–says organisation should “self-dissolve”