
Iraqi soldiers greeted the civilians of Mosul with torture – Syrian soldiers greet libreated Deir-ez-Zor with open arms and compassion

As the Syrian Arab Army, flanked by the Russian Aerospace Forces and military specialists continue to liberate Dier ez-Zor, one of the most interesting developments is something that hasn’t happened.
Earlier this year when Iraqi forces along with the US retook the city of Mosul from ISIS, what transpired for the innocent civilians of the long besieged Iraqi city was less of a liberation than a process of trading the monster of ISIS for the brutality of Iraqi forces.

Russian Defense Ministry: 85% of Syria is liberated – will not stop untill 100%

The Russian Defense has today confirmed that 85% of Syria’s territory is now fully liberated from terrorist occupation. Russia has said that its armed forces will continue to work with Syria until the entire country is free of terrorism.
According to Lieutenant General Alexander Lapin, chief of staff of the Russian Armed Forces group in Syria,

“As of today, 85 percent of the Syrian territory was liberated from illegal armed formations. To completely destroy Daesh (aka ISIS), some 27,000 square kilometers of the republic’s territory remain to be liberated”.

Russo-Syrian alliance inflicts “biggest defeat of ISIS in 3 years”

With the assistance of the Russian Aerospace force, the Syrian Arab Army has broken the three year long ISIS siege of the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as food, medicine and aid now flow in to the region.
Since then, Russia has confirmed the death of the self-proclaimed ISIS emir/leader of Deir ez-Zor along with 40 ISIS leaders who all perished when Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed their underground layer on the outskirts of Deir ez-Zor city.

Major Development: Deep State Rattled- Smear Campaign on Persecuted Journalist Begins!

A journalist comes under fire and becomes the target of a smear campaign by the deep state media for exposing CIA-NATO gunrunning operations supplying weapons to terrorists via Azerbaijan on Diplomatic Flights. In addition to being interrogated by national security services and fired from her job, the investigative journalist has now come under attack by the establishment media.

SYRIA: Will Trump Comment on Allegations of Airlifting ISIS Commanders from Deir ez-Zor?

21st Century Wire says…
This week, the Syrian Arab Army, in conjunction with the Russian Air Force and allied militias on the ground, broke the three-year ISIS siege of the city of Deir ez-Zor and the key strategic area around its airport. Previous to that, all supplies, food and ammunition, as well as evacuations for the wounded surviving civilians and Syrian soldiers trapped there – was being delivered by air.

PHILIPPINES: Military fight against ISIS almost won

Rodrigo Duterte’s decision to put his home island of Mindanao in southern Philippines under Martial Law has paid off in respect of a consolidated military victory against ISIS fighters.
Beginning in May of 2017, local fighters, augmented by some foreign terrorists laid siege to the Muslim majority city of Marawi on Mindanao.
Since then, Philippine troops have battled heavily armed ISIS fighters in the city while attempting to free as many hostages as possible.