
Very dangerous escalation in Syria

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BREAKING: Kurds claim Russia and Syria have bombed SDF positions in Deir ez-Zor

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CIA Operative Admits Deep State Globalist Control – The Game of Nations

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

In the famous treatise by Miles Copeland, Game of Nations, the devious middle eastern CIA operative spills the beans in this infamous 1969 work on covert operations and regime changes. Not only does Copeland detail the various US puppets and stooges, but also how game theory played into the predictive computer models available even in the late 60s.  

UK Surgeon David Nott, Takes Sides While Saving Lives in East Aleppo

By Steven Sahiounie | American Herald Tribune | September 21, 2017 David Nott is a British surgeon who has received numerous awards and accolades for his medical volunteerism in East Aleppo, Syria in 2013 and 2014. He was hosted by the Aleppo City Medical Council, which was founded in 2012 by medical professionals committed to […]

Russia warns US it will strike back if militia attacks in Syria don’t end

RT | September 21, 2017 Moscow has warned the US that if militias it supports in northeast Syria again attack positions of pro-government forces backed by Russia, the Russian military will use all its force to retaliate. The troops of the Syrian Democratic Force (SDF), a predominantly Kurdish militia that receives support from the US […]

Trump at the United Nations: Derangement and Delusion Reign Supreme

If any further proof were needed that the United States has descended into the realm of magical thinking, there could be no clearer example than Donald Trump’s speech to the UN General Assembly on 19 September 2017.
In 40 minutes of what can only be described as a barely coherent and dangerous rant, Trump revealed how the United States has totally lost its grip on reality.  Some brief extracts from the speech illustrate its essential horrors.  Trump argued that:

Russia will target US-backed fighters in Syria if provoked

The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has come under attack in Deir ez-Zor from areas controlled by the Kurdish led US proxy militia SDF. As previously indicated, either the Kurdish fighters are firing directly on SAA troops, or ISIS elements are now working in de-facto collaboration with the putatively secular SDF.
In any case, Syria has vowed to liberate “every inch” of its legal territory against any enemy, including the SDF.

Fact checking Benjamin Netanyahu’s General Assembly speech

By Adam Garrie | The Duran | September 20, 2017 Yesterday, Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before the United Nations in a speech that served as a kind of appendix to Donald Trump’s controversial, bellicose declaration that was delivered hours earlier. Both speeches predictably focused on Iran and both leaders told a great deal of […]