
Syria: Secret Deal Allowed Armed ISIS Members to Escape

Video shows convoys carrying 3,500 ISIS fighters and their families being transported out of Raqqa, along with 10 trucks loaded with weapons, just before the city was fully recaptured by Syrian forces. The trucks were hired by the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces that has been supported by the US. The deal for a safe departure was made with the knowledge of the US-led coalition. The militants and mercenaries were transported deeper into Syria and to Turkey. [...]

Why Are Trump’s Troops Training ISIS Terrorists?

  When Donald Trump ran for the U.S. Presidency, his biggest foreign-affairs promise (which he copied from Ted Cruz) was to defeat “radical Islamic terrorism”; but, on December 27th, the Russian Government publicly accused Trump’s military of backing ISIS terrorists to fight against Syria’s Government (which is allied with Russia). Russia’s RT international television network headlined “US lets militants train,[Read More...]

US, Israel in ‘covert’ deal to counter Iran after it defeats their extremist groups

Sputnik – December 30, 2017 A US National Security Council (NSC) source has confirmed to Sputnik that Tel Aviv and Washington have worked out a plan to counter “malign Iranian activities.” Speaking to Radio Sputnik, Mohammad Marandi, a political analyst and professor at the University of Tehran, explained why the US and Israel are so […]

International Bodies Fail to Understand the Middle East Crisis

One sentence summarizes the Zionist expansion from an incursion to ultimate takeover of Palestinian lands – the Zionists act aggressively and the world bodies re-react passively. Institutions that defend the world community and protect regional interests have failed to understand the Middle East crisis, failed to recognize the dangers posed by the Zionist expansion, and have subverted their constituencies. These failures prevent formulation of an acceptable plan and a concentrated effort to resolve the perilous situation.

ISIS Militants & Israel Effectively Join Forces In Besieging Gaza

When Rami Fawda heard that the Rafah crossing was finally due to open, his reaction was one of relief mixed with anxiety.
The relief was because the 44-year-old engineer lives in Ankara, Turkey, where he has worked for 13 years and needed to get back. He had come to Gaza in the summer to see his family, for only the second time since he first moved, but got stuck, trying but failing to secure passage through Rafah – the boundary between Gaza and Egypt – three times.

US forces let Islamic militants train on bases in Syria

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Al-Nusra to be taken out by Russian forces in 2018

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