
Russia threatens American dominance says US general

As America seeks to preserve its hegemony, in this case in the Middle East, it has more and more  continued to run into obstacles that have either directly or indirectly been erected by Russia’s activity in the region through its policy to eradicate ISIS and to provide stability to the Syrian nation in helping to preserve its territorial integrity.

Top Turkish Official Accuses Kurds of Releasing ISIS for Terror Attacks

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Mehdi Aker, a top figure in Turkey’s ruling AKP party, issued a statement Thursday accusing the Kurdish YPG of having released all the ISIS fighters they had captured in Syria, on condition that they carry out terror attacks against targets of Turkish interest. Aker and other officials claimed there is an ongoing “roundup” along the Turkey-Syria border […]

Israel Is Directly Arming at Least 7 Syrian Rebel Groups

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Israel’s mounting interest in Syria’s War, and in particular in picking fights with the Assad government, Iran, and any other Shi’ite factions in the country, have included reports by analysts of a growing amount of Israeli arms and ammunition flowing across the border for rebels. Officially, Israel isn’t a big fan on Sunni Islamist organizations. Such […]

Top 10 Curious Circumstances That Led to the Rise of ISIS

IMAGE: One of many theatrical pictures of ISIS – carefully designed for US and western media audiences.
By Robert Bridge
Last week, the US said it was working to create “alternative government authorities” on Syrian territory. This latest move, aside from demonstrating once again that the US has no respect for Syria’s territorial integrity, indicates we may be seeing more from that group of mercenaries known as Islamic State.

America Loves Terrorists Abroad: ISIS as Proxy US Mercenaries

By all accounts, wherever the Islamic State has gained and held territory, its residents suffer terrible oppression and deprivation. Unless you are on their wavelength, you most likely agree that ISIS rule has been calamitous for its subjects. Both Obama and Trump have pointed out their badass nature on numerous occasions, not so much in sympathy for those they oppress but to raise fear levels of ISIS-inspired badassery here at home.