
Many Americans have no clue what transpired in Syria. Here are 3 narratives explaining the conflict in Syria

Syria could very well be one of the most heavily propagandized conflicts in modern history.
The lies told in the run up to the illegal Iraq invasion, in many ways dwarf the multiple fallacies told by the United States government, and its mainstream media cronies, as the regime change efforts in Syria have failed at every turn.
Via Zerohedge

Global Research News Hour: Patrick Henningsen on Truth and Lies of Syrian Conflict

Patrick Henningsen is a geopolitical analyst and has been to Syria in the last year. On a recent edition of the Global Research News Hour with host Michael Welch, he addresses the actual reasons for U.S. interest in the overthrow and undermining of President Assad.
Patrick also gets into Washington’s ‘Plan B’ for Syria and interprets Turkish operations in Afrin, Israeli involvement near Damascus, and Kurdish activity within the north of Syria within that context. Watch:

ISIS activity in Afghanistan on the increase, says Russia’s UN envoy

ISIS has always been a big concern for Russia, just as they have been a concern for most of the civilized (and reality based) world. Russian concern and desire to eliminate this group is strong because they operate only a few hundred miles from Russian territory now. So as the activity of the group ramps up in Afghanistan, despite the American presence in the region, the concern grows.

Analysts alarmed over Pentagon’s 60,000-strong Syrian rebel force

‘US aid ends up with extremists’ RT | March 7, 2018 Analysts have warned that US-supported groups in Syria often defect to extremists with their weapons. That’s after it was revealed the Pentagon plans to spend around $300 million to train and equip a 60,000-strong army in Syria. Commenting on the Pentagon’s plans to build, […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 133 JP Sottile on Kushner and Tariffs, Chuck Ochelli on AFRICOM and China

In the first hour JP Sottile of News Vandal joins me to discuss the latest political machinations in Washington DC. We begin with the latest developments regarding Trump lackey Jared Kushner. JP and I talk about his recent loss of Top Secret security clearance and what this may or may not mean going forward. JP then discusses the latest revelations about Kushner and his ties to both Qatar and the UAE.

French prosecutors officially charge Marine Le Pen for tweeting against ISIS terrorists

The unelected rulers of the EU in Brussels are about to bring down one of their biggest critics, as lackey French President Macron is moving forward with charges against former French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen.
It is no secret that the EU finds free speech to be a nuisance, and has nothing but contempt for leaders like Le Pen who has historically called out the dictatorial rule of Brussels, by highlighting the endless illegal wars in the Middle East, covert support for ISIS, and promotion of a destructive migrant policy.

UN Feigns Outrage Over Ghouta While Terrorist Rockets Rain Down on Damascus

Originally appeared at Mint Press News

 On February 20, from Amman, Jordan, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Geert Cappelaere, issued a statement of “outrage” titled: “The war on children in Syria: Reports of mass casualties among children in Eastern Ghouta and Damascus.”