
The Moral Mask

It feels as if world events are in overdrive, and sometimes it’s hard to escape the thought that there is no longer much point in trying to analyse, or make sense of, a trajectory increasingly out of control.
I see little evidence that those of us in the segment of the world political spectrum likely to read these words need much persuasion — nor that those who consider us dupes of the Evil Vladimir, or apologists for what was once called the “Yellow Peril”, could ever have any inclination to even glance at the arguments and sentiments of those they consider so utterly deluded.

Radical militants given the green light to attack following US action in Syria

With Russian forces operating in Syria, American military operations could jeopardize global security, according to the Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya. Additionally, the Kremlin has intelligence that indicates that militant radicals on the ground in Syria have orders to initiate an offensive following US military action.

‘Thousands of rotting corpses’ under ruins of Raqqa a public health crisis – Russian MoD

RT | April 13, 2018 The Russian Defense Ministry has criticized the Western-led coalition for creating a sanitation emergency in Raqqa after it took the Syrian city from Islamic State, but failed to organize a clean-up or rebuild. “The epidemiological situation in Raqqa remains very grave. There are still thousands of corpses rotting underneath the […]

Britain and its Deadly Chemical Games

By Martin Berger – New Eastern Outlook – 10.04.2018 There’s no arguing that recently we’ve witnessed an abrupt increase of public interest in chemical weapons and the top-secret British laboratory Porton Down due to the alleged poisoning of Sergei Skripal in the so-called Salisbury incident. Back in 2004, the Guardian would announce that this laboratory had […]

Amazing Paul Joseph Watson video exposes false flag Syrian chemical weapons hoax

This is not “America first,” this is the deep state first.
What is Trump doing, falling for this lunatic, Deep State false flag attack?
We can only help cooler heads prevail, because a full scale Trump-US attack on Syria would result in a disastrous, wider world war with nuclear implications.

Meanwhile Stephan Molyneux exposes the clear motivations behind the latest Syrian chemical weapons hoax pushing Trump towards war with Syria, Iran and Russia.
Molyneux helps us take note that Trump is in a “Mueller” bind, and Democrats hate Russia

Vladimir Putin says ISIS remains a global threat despite military defeat in Syria

ISIS has been militarily defeated in Syria largely through the combined efforts of Russian and Syrian forces, Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced. No concerted military ISIS forces remain on the ground in the Middle Eastern country. Although a few dislocated bands of ISIS militants continue to exist and roam certain areas continues to remain a reality, they don’t constitute an orchestrated military or particular threat.