
An Unholy Alliance: The Use of Terrorism According to John Bolton

In 1978, President Carter’s National Security Advisor, Zbignew Brzezinski, decided to use the Muslim Brotherhood against the Soviets, and sent Arab combatants to support the Afghan opposition against the Communist regime. Responding to a call for help from the Afghan government, the Red Army became bogged down in an unwinnable conflict.

US Christians move to protect Christians in the Middle East

ISIS represents the single most prominent national or pseudo national entity that makes the persecution of Christians a central part of its activity. The would-be Islamic Caliphate is widely understood to be on its last legs, having been destroyed or driven out of most of the Syrian territory and Iraq, which it had gained in surprisingly swift conquests during the administration of US President Barack Obama. However, ISIS is not the only persecutor of followers of Jesus Christ.

Syria: 16 People Killed, Including Four Americans, in Suicide Bomb Attack as Trump Prepares to Remove Troops

Brian Kilmeade, a pro-war neocon, argues for US troops to remain in Syria to 'stop the next 9/11 attack'. Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul points out that 99% of ISIS has been eradicated and that Syria should be able to finish the job. He says the US has been in Afghanistan for 17 years, and Islam needs to police Islam.

Trump, Bolton and the Syrian Confusion

It’s a messy, though typical picture.  US President Donald Trump wants to pull out forces in Syria.  When announced in December, jaws drooped and sharp intakes of breath were registered through the Washington establishment.  Members of the military industrial complex were none too pleased.  The president had seemingly made his case clear: US blood and treasure will not be further drawn upon to right the conflicts of the Middle East.

Israel and the Golan Heights: A Wider Geopolitical Game

In the recent autumn session of the United Nations General Assembly a number of resolutions involving the Syrian Golan Heights occupied by Israel came up for debate and voting. A familiar pattern emerged. The first of the votes to be noted was UNGA Resolution A/C.4/73/L.20. The wording of this resolution was that the general Assembly “reaffirmed that Israel’s settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories including East Jerusalem are illegal and an obstacle to peace and social development”.

REPORTS: US Soldiers Killed in Apparent ‘ISIS Bombing’ in Manbij, Syria

A bomb blast has struck near a US-led coalition patrol killing and injuring and killing civilian and US-led coaltion military personnel in Syria’s northern city of Manbij today, according to multiple witnesses.
According to reports, casualties are believed to include at least 16 people, including at least 2 US soldiers. The death of US soldiers was also confirmed by CBS News.