
Pentagon Says Multinational Force to Establish ‘Safe-Zone’ in Northeastern Syria

US forces still remain on the outskirts of the Syrian town of Manbij.
SouthFront reports…
Pentagon spokesman, Commander Sean Robertson, revealed on February 23 the 200 US troops who will remain in northeastern Syria after the supposed pullout will be a part of a multinational force which will establish a safe zone in the region.

How a Teenage Girl Becomes a Scapegoat for Britain’s Role in the ‘Islamic State’…

It’s been difficult to ignore or avoid the massive coverage, controversy and debate surrounding the ‘ISIS bride’ Shamima Begum that has dominated British news in the passed week or so. The massively inflated ‘scandal’ has created differences in opinion over what should be done with her, whether her citizenship should be revoked, whether she should […]

BBC producer admits Douma attack was false flag that nearly sparked Russia – U.S. hot war (Video)

BBC producer Riam Dalati believes that the scenes caught on video from a hospital in Douma, Syria were staged, all in an effort driven by jihadist terrorists and White Helmet “activists” to draw the U.S. and its allies into full on confrontation with Syria, and by extension Russia.
The viral images caused a media firestorm in 2018, showing children allegedly suffering from chemicals, as main stream media channels, like the BBC itself, called for war with Assad.

Douma chemical weapons hoax exposed by BBC producer

It is beyond doubt that the White Helmets ‘staged’ the false flag operation at the Douma hospital that caused President Trump to attack Syria last April.
Days after the attack the much to be admired, yet still maligned by many, investigative reporter, Robert Fisk was on the ground in Douma and interviewed countless people, videoed the scene, made it public in the newspapers and by TV the fact of the fake sarin attack.

SYRIA: 70 Civilians Killed and Injured in Latest Coalition Massacre Near Deir Ezzor

Despite repeated announcements by Donald Trump that the US would be withdrawing its military assets from their illegal occupation in northeastern Syria, the civilian death toll at the hands of US-led Coalition continues to mount.  This week, it has been revealed that a further 70 civilians, many of them women and children, have been killed and injured by another Coalition bombing raid.

President Starts a War? Congress Yawns. Threatens to End One? Condemnation!

By Ron Paul | February 11, 2019 Last week’s bipartisan Senate vote to rebuke President Trump for his decision to remove troops from Syria and Afghanistan unfortunately tells us a lot about what is wrong with Washington, DC. While the two parties loudly bicker about minor issues, when it comes to matters like endless wars […]