
Displaced Syrians’ Incredible Suffering at the Rukban Concentration Camp

Syrians who fled the crimes of ISIS and other terrorist groups which invaded their towns in Homs eastern countryside and sought refuge at the US-controlled Rukban camp are living indescribable suffering like what they fled from. Dozens of families have managed to pay their way out of the Nazi-style concentration camp in the far southeast of the Syrian desert at the borders […]

Media Paints Jihadist Commander Who Pledged Allegiance to ISIS as a Soccer Star With the Voice of an Angel

DAMASCUS, SYRIA — If you’ve read the headlines about the death of “Syrian activist” Abdel Basset al-Sarout, you probably think he was a pretty cool guy. Headlines referring to him as a “Syrian footballer, singer and rebel” make him seem like he could have been the love child of Pelé and Freddie Mercury with the politics of Che Guevara.
Sarout may have sang, played soccer, and rebelled, but he was certainly no peace-loving hippie. A more accurate version for the descriptor would read “Syrian footballer, singer [of al-Qaeda’s hymns] and [CIA-backed jihadist] rebel [commander].”

9/11 Redux: US Officials Now Claim Afghan ISIS as Latest ‘Threat to Attack the West’

Rather conveniently, the epic Global War on Terror narrative comes full circle for the Pentagon’s war planners. Just as domestic and international political pressure began building against the US-led indefinite occupation of Afghanistan, a likely arch-enemy manifests itself in Central Asia – ensuring the pretext for further intervention.

MSM Mourns Death Of CIA-Backed Syrian Al-Qaeda/ISIS Ally

By Caitlin Johnstone | June 8, 2019 On Wednesday the alternative media outlet Southfront published an article titled “New Video Throws Light On Jaysh Al-Izza High-Tolerance To Al-Qaeda Ideology” about newly discovered footage showing the leader of a “rebel” faction in Syria cozying up with a militant who was wearing a badge of the official […]

Why Shouldn’t the Boston Marathon Bomber Vote? U.S. Politicians Radicalized Him

Last month, 2020 U.S. presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders stirred controversy at a CNN town hall after answering a loaded question about whether his position on extending voting rights to incarcerated felons barred any exceptions such as the Boston Marathon bomber currently on death row. It was impossible for Sanders to respond honestly without being entrapped by the inclusion of Dzhokar Tsarnaev as an example, but the self-professed ‘democratic socialist’ gave a reflective explanation of the complexities of the issue behind his reasoning.