
LIONEL PODCAST: How Jon Stewart Wannabes Destroyed Political Critical Thinking

Can you spot the difference? One of these is part of a trained circus act doubling as entertainment that some observers have even considered to be inhumane and exploitative in fact. The other is a seal. But be not mistaken, Jon Stewart is the king of timing. Had he attempted the Stewart bit now, it wouldn’t have taken off. And success is in great part due to his 300+ writers who gave us such gems as, “The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom.” Wow. Move over Mort Sahl. Leibowitz is in the room.

Zionist thought police wreak havoc on campus

Bullies and career-wreckers target professor Joy Karega at Oberlin College By Prof. Tony Hall | American Herald Tribune An Open Letter to Marvin Krislov, President of Oberlin College, Following the Suspension of Dr. Joy Karega for Publishing References to Alleged “Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories” on Facebook 10 August, 2016 Dear President Krislov; I want to include […]

US Nuclear Weapons At Risk of Seizure in Turkey

(MEEDozens of US nuclear weapons stored at a Turkish air base near Syria are at risk of being captured by “terrorists or other hostile forces”, a Washington think tank said on Monday.
The US has an estimated 50 nuclear bombs at Incirlik in southern Turkey, 110km from the border with Syria.
The base’s Turkish commander was arrested on suspicion of complicity in last month’s coup plot.

LIONEL PODCAST: Crowd Psychology and Media Distortion, Fabrication, Manufacture and Lie

How I see mainstream media news.
Believing ≠ Hoping. Look at what you believe you believe and what you know you know. You don’t. You wish and hope and trust. There’s a big difference, Sparky.
The lies your being handed are by design. “When distant and unfamiliar and complex things are communicated to great masses of people, the truth suffers a considerable and often a radical distortion. The complex is made over into the simple, the hypothetical into the dogmatic, and the relative into an absolute.” Thus spake Walter Lippmann.

Episode #148 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Another Road to Damascus’ with guests Vanessa Beeley, Abdo Haddad, Brian Gerrish

Episode #148 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday August 17, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS of LIVE power-packed talk radio on ACR…
SUNDAYS – 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)

How the Obama Administration Encouraged the Rise of Islamic State

By Nauman Sadiq | CounterPunch | August 12, 2016 Although I admit that Donald Trump’s recent remarks that Obama Administration willfully created the Islamic State were a bit facile, it is an irrefutable fact that Obama Administration’s policy of nurturing the Syrian militants against the Assad regime from August 2011 to August 2014 created the […]