
White Helmets Deceive “Right Livelihood” and CodePink

Manipulation of public perception has risen to a new level with the emergence of powerful social media. Facebook, Twitter and Google are multibillion dollar corporate giants hugely influencing public understanding.  Social media campaigns include paid ‘boosting’ of Facebook posts, paid promotion of Tweets, and biased results from search engines. Marketing and advertising companies use social media to promote their clients.  U.S. foreign policy managers hire these companies to influence public perception to support U.S. foreign policy goals.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Degree of Clinton Lies Knows No Historical Equivalent and the Imprisonment of Anthony Weiner

Even the term lies is a euphemism. It doesn’t even come close. But I think you know that. At least, I hope you know that. I discuss herein.
Virtual flashing and hi-tech adultery. Yes, Anthony Weiner, the human punchline. I know he’s a joke and pathetic but we must review how his case will rewrite the law as, per Lionel’s law, the law always lags behind technology. I discuss herein.

In Solidarity with the People of Syria: The Historic Significance of Defeating the West’s Dirty War…

In many respects, we’re all in this together.  The plight of Syria and Syrians is entwined with us as well. If the West and its proxies successfully destroy Syria as they did to so many other countries, including Iraq, and Libya, and Afghanistan, then the next country on the list will be Iran and so on. But the mercenary terrorists […]

SYRIA: US Attack on the Syrian Army & the Findings of the US Peace Council…

You might’ve thought that the United States‘ policy in Syria couldn’t get any more confused or damaged: but the admission that a US air strike has killed somewhere between 60 to 83 soldiers of the Syrian Army is just about the worst thing, and at the worst time, that could’ve happened in terms of US […]