
US Ceasefire Sabotage In Syria Means US-backed Terrorists Will Lose Aleppo

21st Century Wire says…
Despite US ‘diplomatic’ efforts to evade any responsibility for the Pentagon’s recent massacre of over 70 Syrian soldiers and another 100 injured on Sept 17th – that reckless and desperate US move proved that it’s the United States, and the United States alone, who sabotaged a carefully negotiated, multinational ceasefire agreement.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Psychology and Psychopathy of Psephology — Inside the Idiocy of the American Voter

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
Voting? Did you say something about voting?  Others did and have and will. Masturbatory musings as we came a beeline for oblivion. Make way for Mr. & Mrs. Nobody. The pageantry of the putz. And debates are cotillions and debutante balls for the illusion of involvement. But, I digress. Enjoy this podcast of the psychology of the vote.

The Anglo-American War Machine

By Steven MacMillan | New Eastern Outlook | 27.09.2016 Contrary to the incessant grandstanding by US and British politicians that they are committed to promoting freedom, democracy and peace around the world, the evidence proves that the Anglo-American establishment is in the business of war, destabilization and conflict creation. On top of the numerous imperial […]

Jordanian Academic Murdered for his Mockery of ISIS and his Support of Syria

Jamila Assi
Jamila Eyes
Three shots in the head, and maybe four others in his body, that was the price for criticizing the mentality of those who arrested and assassinated him. When a cartoon offends a deity, when a joke shakes a system, when an idea threatens a nation, not a thousand springs will wash away the face of death.

President al-Assad’s interview given to Associated Press

SANA | September 22, 2016 Damascus – President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to Associated Press published Thursday, following is the full text: Journalist: President Assad, thank you very much for this opportunity to be interviewed by the Associated Press. President Assad: You are most welcome in Syria. Question 1: I will start by talking […]