
Syria and Iraq caught between the “new analysts’ and the politicised media

The wars in Syria and Iraq celebrated the unfortunate end of the “free and independent press” and the rise of the “neo-analysts”. They sit in far-off lands, with no ground knowledge of the war, collecting information and analysing the colourful bin of social networking sites.
They have even the temerity to believe they can dictate to the US administration what measures should be taken, who to support and, as if they had mastered the “art of war”, they even push for a nuclear war with Russia.

Michael T. Flynn: No Congressional Scrutiny Necessary?

President-elect Donald Trump’s appointees get nuttier and scarier by the second.  Meet Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn – the new National Security Advisor.  Unlike other positions in the new administration, such as Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State, Flynn will not be vetted by the US Senate.
Even with a Republican-controlled Congress Flynn probably would have been nixed by the Senate in January, 2017.  Why?

Empire Perpetrates Its Dirty War on Syria Beneath the Protected Cover of Big Lies

Global Research – November 22, 2106 The following text is an excerpt of a forthcoming E-Book entitled Voices From Syria, by Mark Taliano. Taliano focusses on the broad issue of  Media Disinformation and America’s Wars: Liars Versus Truthers. According to the author, the  “Progressive Left” Has Been Coopted. Voices From Syria is slated to be launched […]