
Turkey accuses US hackers of disrupting its energy system

Fresh evidence of the “confidence crisis” in US-Turkish relations has come with the claim by Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister Berat Albayrak that recent breakdowns in Turkey’s power supply were caused by cyber-attacks coming from the US

In recent days the Energy Ministry underwent a number of powerful cyberattacks that were conducted from the United States

Dear USA: There Will Be No Partition in Syria

Western pundits and politicians are revving up their narratives on the territorial division of Syria. But they do not understand one thing: the partition of Syria – like the removal of Assad – has always been a HARD red line for the Syrian government and its Iranian, Russian and other allies. Fragmentation of states always leads to a power vacuum that is quickly filled by terrorists. We have seen this clearly in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. So why try to do what clearly doesn’t ever work?

CONVENIENT? ‘Active Shooter’ Kills 5 in Fort Lauderdale, CNN Claims Voices in His Head ‘Told Him to Join ISIS’

21st Century Wire says…
Incredibly, on the same day that US ‘intelligence’ officials were due to meet President-Elect Donald Trump about the alleged ‘Russian Hack’ report – like clockwork, another ‘Active Shooter’ event springs-up, this time at Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida. Very dramatic, great television drama on CNN and elsewhere. As a result, no US news channel covered the epic flop of the CIA’s report debacle and Trump’s reaction to it until the evening news cycle.

WikiLeaks: US Was Aware Of ISIS Threat & Sought Regime Change In Syria

Secretary of State John Kerry speaks during a news conference at the State Department in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2017. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)
MINNEAPOLIS — WikiLeaks brought renewed attention to an audio recording in which Secretary of State John Kerry admits not only that he supported war in Syria for the purpose of overthrowing the government, but that the United States knew about the strength of terrorist groups in the region and allowed them to grow yet more powerful.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Myth of the Russian Hack | Media Echo Chamber Pavlovian Obeisance

They were the voice of a generation.
Imagine what that must feel like. Hillary forced to watch yet another inauguration she was promised by the Gods. It must be horrible though I can’t exactly sympathize. The thought of her being at the helm is more than a tender mind can handle. Look at what’s been said anent the imaginary and illusive Russian hack. The constant refrain of contamination and attack without so much as a shred and ort of evidence. Details, details, m’boy. Enjoy. Or not. It’s your call.