
Here’s how and why the US has been helping ISIS take Deir El-Zour

The single fact which make the latest offensive by ISIS eastern Syria so frightening and serious is that the way for it was paved by the US-led “anti-ISIS” coalition.
Before discussing this, let me repeat a point I made for The Duran previously, the truth of which as a Syrian in Syria who is an actual witness of this war I can personally vouch for

Turkey Terror Spike: Operation Gladio B Targeting Turkey’s Erdogan

Sibel Edmonds exposes a covert operation aimed against the democratically elected government of Turkey in response to the directional change of the Syrian war. She examines the recent increase in terror attacks in Turkey, who is behind the attacks, and why.

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Russia’s big bombers strike ISIS at Deir Ezzor, Syria

With the position of the Syrian forces besieged in the desert town of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria remaining extremely precarious – latest reports suggest they were forced to surrender hard-won gains they made there against ISIS yesterday – the Russians have brought the full weight of their air force to bear, striking at ISIS positions near Deir Ezzor with 6 TU22M3 bombers.

Putin-Trump alliance against ISIS and Al-Qaeda on the way?

In all the discussions of possible areas of cooperation between the US and Russia, one stands out because the prospects for it look so straightforward: the joint struggle against Jihadi terrorism.
Both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump have repeatedly made clear their utter abhorrence of Jihadi terrorism, and in Putin’s case he has repeatedly made clear Russia’s wish to work alongside other powers to defeat it.  Here is what Putin had to say about this in his famous address to the UN General Assembly in September 2015

Obama & The Merchants of Death

On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we look at Barack Obama’s legacy as a record breaking arms dealer. Obama has enabled Saudi Arabia to wage an illegal war in Yemen and has gifted the merchants of death with billions of dollars in new contracts with Taiwan and Vietnam. We also cover the Nye Commission and its investigation into the munitions industry after the First World War. Finally, we look at how the new Trump administration has promised to radically expand the US military and make the merchants of death billions more in profit from war and death.