
US Claims it Has Authority to Shoot Any Syrian Official Who Tries to Retake Control of Syrian Oil

It should be clear to anyone who has followed this story over recent weeks, that the US has no legal standing whatsoever in Syria, not that it ever had. However, recent watershed events on the ground have forced Washington to show its hand, and now the world can see that it is operating under a fraudulent ‘Anti-ISIS’ mandate.

Reports: ISIS is Active Again in Daraa, Syria

IMAGE: ISIS militant in Syria (2016)
Khaled Iskef
21st Century Wire
The reemergence of the terrorist organization “ISIS” is reported to be happening in parts of Syria, including in the former ‘rebel’ stronghold area of Daraa province, located in southwestern Syria.
In recent weeks, the province has witnessed several security incidents by unknown assailants, until finally, ISIS claimed responsibility for them.

Report: U.S. Plans to Establish New Base Near Deir Ezzor, Syria

Just three weeks ago, the western pro-war neoliberal and neocon politicians and their respective mainstream media outlets were all up in arms, shrieking in unison with cries of betrayal after US President Donald Trump announced he would be pulling US troops out of Syria.
At the time, most people believed he was serious, even the skeptics and critics. The Neoliberal wing of his opposition castigated Trump for “abandoning the Kurds,” and the Neoconservatives railed against him for “giving ISIS a lifeline” and “caving to Putin and Assad.”