
Photos Surface Allegedly Showing ISIS Checkpoints In Egypt’s Sinai

As terrorism and clashes between Sinai militants and Egyptian security has slowly increased since the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood member Morsi from his position as President of Egypt, so has ISIS activity in the peninsula.
Egyptian security have been facing an increase in activity for some time from the Sinai militants but the introduction of ISIS proper has also caused the situation to worsen. Yet, up until now, the situation seemed more sporadic even if it was increasing in frequency.

Rand Paul Introduces Tulsi Gabbard’s Stop Arming Terrorists Act

A well-equipped Syrian rebel using a US-made BGM-71 TOW against the Syrian Arab Army. (Photo YouTube Screenshot)
The Duran has reported extensively on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s quest to stop the US Congress from funding jihadist terrorist groups, specifically al-Qaeda and ISIS.
The Democrat Congresswoman recently traveled to Syria on a fact finding mission to confirm that their is “no difference between ‘moderate’ rebels and al-Qaeda or ISIS  – they are all the same”.

U.S. Army Announces Troops Will Stay In Syria After ISIS Defeat

Syrian Rebel Fighters stand near U.S military vehicles on the outskirts of the Syrian town, Manbij, Syria, March 7, 2017. (Arab 24 via AP)
MINNEAPOLIS – As the Syrian conflict has dragged on for the better part of six years, foreign troops have continually played a major role in the fighting and in the conflict’s escalation, causing some to comment that Syria’s so-called civil war is really a proxy war between competing geopolitical interests.

Rand Paul joins Tulsi Gabbard in calling for US Congress to stop funding ISIS and Al Qaeda

The Duran has reported extensively on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s quest to stop the US Congress from funding jihadist terrorist groups, specifically Al Qaeda and ISIS.
The Democrat Congresswoman recently traveled to Syria, on a fact finding mission, to confirm that their is “no difference between ‘moderate’ rebels and al-Qaeda or ISIS  – they are all the same”.