
If Trump invades Syria, US troops will face elite Republican Guard brigades (VIDEO)

Launching missile salvos from warships hundreds of kilometers away from any danger is one thing, but if Donald Trump’s newly resurgent pro-regime change advisors really want to get rid of Assad, they will probably have to commit ground forces to do it.
For six years, none of the disparate western-backed Islamist militias, including ISIS, has been able to defeat the Syrian government, which is supported by Russian air forces and Iranian ground troops.

Senator Lindsey Graham hints boots on the ground coming in Syria. War on Iran is next (Video)

Tucker Carlson speaks with on Senator Lindsey Graham over President Trump’s decision to strike Syria over a false flag chemical attack staged by ISIS and White Helmets.
The BOMBSHELL: Senator Lindsey Graham admits that we need to remove Syria to destroy Iran. The US attack on Syria has nothing to do with defeating ISIS, but has everything to do with destroying Iran.

ALL SMILES: Serial warmonger John McCain gives ringing endorsement to Trump’s aggression (VIDEO)

Announcing the start of his unprovoked, illegal assault on a sovereign nation last night, President Donald Trump spoke in sombre tones, painting a tear-jerking word picture of human suffering worthy of all his predecessors as liar and hypocrite-in-chief.
But there was one man who could barely contain his jubilation at Trump’s decision to choose force: John McCain.
The veteran war provocateur from Arizona spoke to NBC’s Today Show with a beaming grin that betrayed his elation at the recent turn of events:

ISIL Takes Advantage Of US Attack On Syrian Base To Storm Western Palmyra

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) marching in Raqqa, Syria. (AP/Militant Website
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:40 A.M.) – Not long after the U.S. attacked the Shayrat Airbase in eastern Homs, the Islamic State (ISIL) launched two separate attacks on the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) defenses in the Palmyra.
Beginning with Al-Furqalas, the Islamic State attacked the Syrian Army’s checkpoints outside the village, resulting in a fierce battle that lasted for approximately two hours on Friday.

Without Evidence, Trump Launches 59 Cruise Missiles, Destroying Syrian Air Force Base

Last night President Donald Trump caved into the Pentagon, the political left, the Neoconservative pro-war lobby and mainstream media pressure to act after the release of YouTube videos produced by the US and UK-funded NGO the White Helmets – of an alleged ‘chemical weapons’ attack by the Syrian Airforce in the al Qaeda

Establishment COUNTER-COUP: Syrian chemical false-flag has Trump singing ‘Assad did it’

Three years ago, Syria was declared free of chemical weapons under an agreement proposed by Russia which forestalled an expected attack on Syria led by the United States.
This came after a massive propaganda campaign in western media alleging a devastating sarin gas attack near Ghouta, Syria, which is reported to have killed thousands. The attack was blamed on Syrian president Assad, with the small amount of substantiating evidence provided by Israel.