
Ed Snowden: Afghan bunker ‘MOAB’ bomb destroyed was built by CIA

The media is awash with enthusiastic reports that the US military has employed the largest conventional bomb ever designed, the Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb or “MOAB” (18,000 lbs. of explosive, 22,000 lbs. total weight) on a cave-bunker complex in near Tora Bora in Afghanistan – the same place Osama bin Laden was supposedly hiding not long after 9-11.
The US says the complex was being used by ISIS.

BREAKING: Pentagon confirms US drops largest non-nuclear weapon in history in Afghanistan

Is this a test run? Was it meant to send a message?
This is very disturbing news and will garner lots of attention, for sure.
The Pentagon has confirmed that the United States dropped a Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb, the largest non-nuclear weapon in its arsenal, on an ISIS tunnel target in Afghanistan, in the Achin district of Nangarhar.
The blast radius of the bomb is believed to be over 300 meters.
The strike was carried out using a 21,000lb weapon known in the US Air Force by its nickname MOAB, or “mother of all bombs”.

Putin: Trust With US Deteriorated After Trump Took Office

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Vladivostok, Russia in 2012.
One of the main foreign policy goals set out by President Trump after his election in November was a normalization of US-Russia relations. While that hope appears a distant memory now, with US and Russian officials seemingly agreeing that ties are worse than ever, it apparently never got better in the first place.

US CENTCOM CONFIRMS: US airstrike “accidentally” kills 18 Kurdish rebels in Syria

Time for Trump to launch Tomahawk missiles on US airbases in Iraq, after another horrendous US airstrike killed Kurdish moderate rebels, who are fighting ISIS.
The US-led coalition accidentally struck the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Tabqa on April 11, killing 18 moderate Syrian rebels fighting against ISIS.
The US Central Command said in a press release…

NYT just comes out and says it: US should partner with “territorial ISIS” to overthrow Assad

Finally some honesty in the US mainstream media. It’s evil honesty, but it is honesty nonetheless.
Since Trump’s heroic missile strike on a Syrian airbase, where 23 of 59 missiles successfully hit the runway pavement, the liberal left warmongers are quickly removing their masks in giddy anticipation of global conflict.
And by the way, NYT, we know that you know, the US has been partnering with ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda and all other “moderate rebels” for over six years, to overthrow Assad.