
Wild boars attack ISIS base in Iraq, killing three jihadists

Wild boars are joining the fight against ISIS, and doing a good job killing the US-Saudi backed jihadists.
Somewhere in America John McCain is pissed off to see wild boars defeat his ISIS army.
Reports are coming in that wild boars attacked an ISIS base in the al-Rashad region of Kirkuk late Sunday.
According to IraqiNews, three members of ISIS were left dead by the boar attack.

The Frightening Pro-War Twist Of The Democrats ‘Resistance’

The Resistance, a self-aggrandizing term for what amounts to a relatively small but still powerful claque of embittered Clinton surrogates, has been keeping itself busy of late, fanning the flames of McCarthyite recriminations against anyone who dares question the rather flimsy public evidence that Russia influenced the results of the 2016 election, all the while cheering on President Trump’s expansion of the war in Syria.

Moshe Ya’alon Admits Tacit Israel-ISIS Alliance: Report

American Herald Tribune | April 24, 2017 International media outlets have already reported extensively on Israeli commandos’ missions inside Syria to rescue wounded militants but a senior regime official’s acknowledgement of a link with ISIS is unprecedented. Ya’alon’s explosive revelation came during an interview reported Saturday on Israeli Channel 10’s website, content portal Mako, which […]