
IRELAND: Islamic Inspired Terrorism Development, or Gladio Symptomatic?

21st Century Wire says…
Since late 2015 Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic have been subjected to increased media attention surrounding the ‘possibility’ of an Daesh (Islamic State) inspired styled attack.
Daesh were reported to have issued a ‘chilling warning’ to Ireland who were included amongst the rest of the coalition fighting against Islamic State.

US Deploys Troops Along Syria-Turkey Border

(ZHEJust three days after Turkish warplanes killed at least 20 US-backed Kurdish fighters along the Turkey-Syria border, as well as several Kurdish peshmerga troops on Mount Sinjar in northwestern Iraq, footage posted by Syrian activists showed the US has deployed troops and APCs in the contested region, in a move that could potentially drag the US in a conflict where

Endgame: Comparing results and intentions in the terrorism narrative

By Kit | OffGuardian | April 27, 2017 Generally speaking, ideas are like plants and animals. Over time, they evolve, things change – we keep what works and throw away what doesn’t. Humans don’t have tails. Dolphins don’t have feet. Moths without camouflage get eaten. Methods and techniques are perfected, and accepted as “the way […]

Wonderful allies – Turkey bombs US-backed coalition forces in Syria

Turkey is once again proving itself a loyal friend, neighbor, and ally by attacking the Kurdish forces which are part of the US-backed coalition fighting in Syria.
Rather than ally with the legal Syrian government and Russia to destroy ISIS, the Pentagon evidently prefers to continue its 6-year failed regime change operation against Damascus which has wrought nothing but ruin and death in the country.
But they sure have a motley crew with which to do it – ranging from the hardcore Wahabist extremists like Al-Nusra Front to the treacherous Turks.

ISIS ‘Apologized’ To Israel Over Gun Battle

(ANTIMEDIA) If anyone ever needed proof that ISIS and Israel are not enemies and actually have very common goals and interests, look no further than the words of Israel’s former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon.
“There was one case recently where Daesh [the Arabic acronym of ISIS] opened fire and apologized,” Ya’alon said at an event in the northern city of Afula.

Russian and Saudi Foreign Ministers disagree on Syria, agree on other issues

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has had a meeting in Moscow with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir, during which they have publicly clashed on the way forward in the Syrian crisis.
Al-Jubeir predictably demanded that President Assad leave power in Syria, and said that Iran and Hezbollah – Syria’s allies – had no role in that country.