
Hassan Nasrallah on the hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners and international hypocrisy

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 2, 2017, on the occasion of the Day of the Wounded Transcript: […] Two words on the general situation (in the Middle East). The first thing to be said about the general situation in the region concerns the struggle for freedom and dignity that 1500 […]

Britain faces terror offensive as police says Manchester ISIS bomber ‘member of terrorist cell”

The British authorities have clearly indicated that they believe that Salman Abedi, the suicide bomber responsible for the Manchester terror attack, was part of an ISIS terrorist cell and was not acting alone.
Five people have already been arrested for possible links to Abedi, and Ian Hopkins, the chief constable of Greater Manchester Police, has publicly confirmed that the police believe Abedi was operating as a member of a terrorist cell.

Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for the Manchester atrocity

Hillary Clinton pushed Barack Obama into invading, occupying and ultimately destroying Libya in 2011. Even George Bush and Tony Blair publicly stated that Libya was a valuable partner in fighting and restraining al-Qaeda and ISIS style Salafist terrorists. Obama later admitted that not preparing for the consequences of a war which he was reluctant to fight, was the gravest mistake of his Presidency.

Independent Journalists Reveal America’s Sinister War in Syria

By Tony Cartalucci – New Eastern Outlook – 24.05.2017 Syria is not experiencing a “civil war.” It is being targeted by both proxy and direct military force organized by the United States and its allies for the explicit purpose of dividing and destroying yet another Middle Eastern nation. Worse than that, the United States is […]

TODAY’S COLUMN: Troops on the Streets of Britain, More Rightwing Anger Towards Muslims

The UK inched closer towards martial law today, as Prime Minister May announced that British troops will be deployed on the streets in the aftermath of Monday night’s alleged ‘ISIS terror attack’ in Manchester. 
Along with the government’s ramping-up of police state measures, the UK arm of the ‘Alt-Right’ appear to be inciting street confrontations with British Muslims – labeling them as “enemy combatants.”

Department Of Defense Audit Reveals US Lost Track Of $1 Billion Worth Of Weapons

ISIS militants hold up their flag as they patrol in a commandeered American Humvee in Fallujah, 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of Baghdad, Iraq. (AP Photo)
The US military lost track of $1 billion worth of arms bound for Iraq and Kuwait, according to a US Department of Defense audit obtained by Amnesty International.
The government audit, from September 2016, reveals that the DoD “did not have accurate, up-to-date records on the quantity and location” of a vast amount of equipment pouring into Kuwait and Iraq to provision the Iraqi Army.