
ISIS conquers Philippines city of Marawi (PHOTOS)

The Philippines city of Marawi has reportedly been taken by ISIS in the most brutal way imaginable. According to the Amaq Agency, over 70 Philippines soldiers have been killed. However, the Philippine Army have contradicted this report saying that only 8 of their soldiers have been killed. It remains to be seen which report is the more accurate figure.
ISIS have set up check-points around the city in a manner reminiscent of how they came to control cities like Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria.

How the British deep state turned Manchester into al-Qaeda Town UK

More and more information is emerging on how the savage terrorist atrocity recently committed in Manchester was a classic case of terrorist blow-back, a phenomenon describing how when western governments fund, arm and aid terrorists, they often come back to commit horrific crimes against the citizens of the countries which funded and aided them.

US leaks of classified intelligence about Manchester terror attack strain US relations with allies

A few weeks ago, shortly after US President Trump met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in the Oval Office of the White House, the Washington Post ran a story about how Trump supposedly leaked classified intelligence about an ISIS plot to use laptops to bring down civilian airplanes during this meeting to Lavrov.
Supposedly the leak compromised intelligence information provided to the US by a third country, potentially damaging the US’s intelligence relationship with that country.

BREAKING: Russia’s FSB arrests ISIS terrorists plotting to bomb Moscow transport

The west has long practised the faulty doctrine of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. It is what led the US, UK, France and West Germany to arm Ba’athist Iraq in the 1980s, a traditional Soviet ally, against the newly formed Islamic Republic of Iran. Of course, when the Iraq that the west armed engaged in a dispute with Kuwait, a British puppet state in virtually all but name, Iraq was back on the list of ‘enemies’ and it remained there until the US and UK destroyed the Ba’athist government in Iraq, plunging the once prosperous country into total civil war in 2003.