
EXTREMISM isn’t the problem–PERVERSION is the problem

Elitist western political commentators and politicians frequently talk about the need to stop ‘extremism’, but this is a deeply inaccurate way to describe the policy, cultural and social malaise from which terrorism can foment and flourish.
The Oxford Living Dictionary defines the world perversion in the following way:

“Distortion or corruption of the original course, meaning, or state of something”.

Kathy Griffin should be arrested

CNN host Kathy Griffin has posed for a photograph holding a mock-up of what is unambiguously depicting the severed head of President Donald Trump.
Apart from being a disgusting act, it may well be criminal.
I am a free speech advocate but like many, I believe the line should be drawn and criminal threats and obscene images or literature. The Griffin photograph not only fits both criteria, but is exemplary of each.

Rodrigo Duterte vows to cutoff ISIS drug money

What would it take for you to strap a bomb to your body and blow yourself and anyone and anything around you into a million little pieces? One cannot be compensated for such an activity, so in this sense, all the gold of Croesus would not be at all meaningful.
Furthermore, all great religious texts forbid such an act. True, one could simply lie about what these texts say to a young, stupid and desperate individual, but this would still only account for an infinitesimally small number of suicide bombers.

THE COLUMN: Post-Manchester, May’s War on the Internet, ISIS in Philippines, Macron’s Red Line

A powerful program, covering Theresa May’s war on the internet, post-Manchester political revelations, President Duterte takes on ISIS in the Philippines, Macron’s ‘Ligne rouge sur’ in Bilderberg and more. 
UK Column anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest co-host Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley from 21st Century Wire to discuss these and other issues on this edition of the UK Column News. WATCH: 

One day after meeting Putin, French President Macron meets with ISIS-Al Qaeda leaders in Paris

If you ever needed any more proof that the new wonder-boy French President is nothing more than a neo-liberal, globalist puppet, then look no further than Macron’s recent meeting in Paris with Syria’s opposition, known as the Riyadh-based High Negotiations Committee (HNC)…which includes political and armed groups trying to overthrow the Assad government.

We Know What Inspired The Manchester Attack, We Just Won’t Admit It

Saudi Arabia Salafist top cleric, Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh, listens to a speech of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at the Consultative Council in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 24, 2009. (AP /Hassan Ammar)
In the wake of the massacre in Manchester, people rightly warn against blaming the entire Muslim community in Britain and the world. Certainly one of the aims of those who carry out such atrocities is to provoke the communal punishment of all Muslims, thereby alienating a portion of them who will then become open to recruitment by Isis and al-Qaeda clones.

Saudi Arabia may need Russia more than it needs America

President Vladimir Putin has met with Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman today in a meeting that left the Saudi Prince saying, “relations between Saudi Arabia and Russia are seeing one of their best stages at the moment”.
While this may leave many scratching their heads, it actually follows the logic of both Russia’s foreign policy and of wider developments in the world.
First of all, Russia’s foreign policy is non-ideological and nor does it seek to violently oppose nations who have a different foreign policy to that of Russia, no matter how different.