
Obscene propagandist Kathy Griffin hires lawyer and claims she is a victim

Kathy Griffin, the so-called comedian who made an obscene image glorifying the ISIS style beheading of the President of the United States, has hired a lawyer and both now outrageously claim that she is the victim of the situation. Such remarks simply do not correspond to reality.
At such a moment it is necessary to repeat my calls for her arrest for making criminal threats against a public figure and publishing an obscene image which according to reports deeply disturbed President Donald Trump’s 11 year old son.

36 dead and rising in Manila atrocity

The death toll from a terrorist attack at a leisure centre in Manila for which ISIS have claimed responsibility has left at least 36 dead with the death toll said to be rising.
Reports indicate that a lone masked gunman started firing shots into a crowd of people at Resort World Manila before setting himself on fire, although conflicting official reports state that he was shot dead. Many have concluded that the man was shot before setting himself ablaze.

5 non-conspiratorial facts that prove a western liberal/jihadist alliance

The internet is full of theories about just who controls ISIS and like-minded groups and why. Many are based only on circumstantial evidence though others do have some merit. Many more are outlandish however well meaning and some are just nonsense.
But one needn’t turn to conspiracy theories in order to prove a deeply frightening link between neo-liberal western elites and ISIS. The facts are widely available and many are well known, though hardly ever discussed in western mainstream media.
Here are the key facts

Whistle-blower says ISIS war is opposition plot to oust Duterte

Philippine media have been sharing a post from retired Philippine military veteran Abe Purugganan which claims that the ISIS war on Philippines is part of an internal coup organised by members of the opposition Liberal Party with an aim to illegally oust democratically elected Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.
Mr.  Purugganan claims that he is publishing information provided by a whistle-blower who works inside the opposition Liberal Party of Philippines.

5 reasons ISIS targeted Duterte’s Philippines

ISIS have carried out their first terrorist atrocity in Philippines outside of the southern island of Mindanao. ISIS  has clearly set out not only to conquer Mindanao, but to destabilise and destroy all of Philippines.
READ MORE: BREAKING: ISIS terrorist attack near Manila airport
It is no coincidence that they chose to attack a country led by a man like President Rodrigo Duterte.
Here’s Why

Kathy Griffin Fired by CNN and Under Investigation by the Secret Service over Grotesque President Trump Decapitation Photo

Kathy Griffin posted a photo of herself holding President Trump's decapitated head by his hair, similar ISIS photos online. Hours after she published the photo, she removed it, following Tweets from the US Secret Service indicating they were investigating the matter. [...]