
Bomb attack on US Embassy in Kiev

An explosive device as been thrown into the grounds of the American embassy in Kiev. The blast occurred in the early hours of the morning injuring no one.
This comes after a far larger rocket attack on the Polish consulate in the Galician city of Lutsk in March of this year.
Ukraine is not only a lawless state and a military aggressor against the Republics of Donbass, but it is moreover a failed state that is a breeding ground for violence and terrorism.

ISIS Was “Allegedly” Behind the London Bridge Attacks, Who Is Behind ISIS?

By Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research | June 6, 2017 London’s tabloids have gone into high gear with vivid descriptions of the attacks and the tragic loss of life. Seven killed and 48 wounded. “ISIS has claimed responsibility for the depraved attack in London Bridge as chilling video shows three jihadis calmly strolling past a […]

The western war on terrorism is a total lie

If an ordinary person had a penny for every time a western politician spoke about the pressing need to ‘combat international terrorism’, that ordinary person could likely afford to live in the kind of highly secure housing that generally affords protection against terrorism.
In reality, people around the world are increasingly subject to the kind of Salafist terrorism that the west has spent decades cultivating, funding, arming and politically supporting.

Video Shows Iraqi Forces Fired White Phosphorus Into Mosul

(ANTIWAR.COMMultiple videos are making the rounds this week of white phosphorus artillery shells being fired into the Iraqi city of Mosul by Iraqi forces. Though the use of white phosphorus for illumination is technically legal under international law, its high temperature and toxic properties make it wholly unsuitable for use in an urban environment, and such use is almost certainly a war crime.

Iran Claims Saudi Arabia is Behind Tehran Attacks After ISIS Takes Credit

In the first ISIS terror attack on Iran, 12 people were killed in Tehran overnight.

(MEE) — Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC) pointed the finger at Saudi Arabia for twin attacks on Iran’s parliament and the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini on Wednesday morning which left 12 people dead.
The attacks, which took place a few kilometres south of the capital, were the first in the country to be claimed by the Islamic State group.

A communist terrorist group in Albania must be condemned by all friends of Iran

ISIS has claimed responsibility for today’s deadly terrorist attack in The Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran in turn has pointed a finger at Saudi Arabia which is well known as an agitator for aggression against Iran and also a major covert supporter of ISIS and al-Qaeda.
But it is another group that historically  has waged terrorist atrocities against Iran. This group is Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) also known as the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran.

ISIS Strikes Again, Attack On Iran’s Capitol Kills 12, Dozens Wounded

An armed man stands in a window of the parliament building in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, June 7, 2017. . (Fars News/Omid Vahabzadeh via AP)
TEHRAN, Iran — ISIS claimed responsibility Wednesday for a stunning pair of attacks on Iran’s parliament and the mausoleum of its modern founder, the first such attack claimed by the Sunni extremist group in the Shiite-ruled nation.