
BREAKING: Syrian Arab Army makes big gains against US backed jihadists

The Syrian Arab Army has not ceased its fighting against jihadists in southern Syria in spite of coming under attack from US forces earlier this week.
Syrian forces have just recaptured the strategically important Dakwah hilltop located 60 kilometres outside of Damascus from FSA terrorists who themselves recently took the hill from ISIS.
This comes as Syrian Arab Army troops yesterday captured Tal al-Abd hill top in the desert regions outside of Damascus in the south of the country.

Iranian Security Ministry–Tehran ISIS terrorists fought in Syria and Iraq

The Iranian Security Ministry has confirmed that five of the terrorists who perpetrated the recent deadly attacks on Iran’s Parliament and the Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini were battle hardened ISIS fighters who had been engaged in combat in Syria’s Raqqa, the self-proclaimed capital of ISIS, as well as in the long time ISIS stronghold of Mosul in northern Iraq.
According to a statement from the Iranian Security Ministry,