Syrian state media says British airstrikes are illegal

RT | December 3, 2015 Syrian state media outlets claim the British parliament’s decision to extend airstrikes against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) from Iraq into Syria is in contravention of international law. The claims come a day after MPs voted to bomb targets within the war-torn country and hours after the first sorties hit […]

Turkey stopped violating Greek airspace after Russian Su-24 downing – Athens source

RT – November 29, 2015 Turkish warplanes abruptly ceased violating Greek airspace after downing a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 bomber on November 24. Previously, air intrusions made by Turkish fighter jets took place on a daily basis and amounted to thousands a year. The data comes from a diplomatic source in Athens, cited by RIA Novosti. […]

Turkey’s True Goals in Syria are Much More Than Just Oil and Money

Sputnik – 28.11.2015 Turkey playing dirty in Syria is no secret. The true goal Ankara is pursuing in Syria is becoming a regional power and the country that rules the Sunni Muslim world, journalist Riccardo Peliliccetti wrote for his article in Il Giornale. Over the course of his 20 years of ruling Turkey, Recep Tayyip […]

LIONEL PODCAST: How and What to Think in the 21st Century

David White (April 4, 1916 – November 27, 1990), the man who gave life to Larry Tate.
I explained Ted Baxter; meet Larry Tate. Wikipedia describes him as Darrin Stephens’ “profit-obsessed boss . . . [whose] opinions turn on a dime to appease a client in an attempt to land a deal.” Sound familiar?
And did someone say Kurds? This will clear up who they exactly are.

Video: Interview with ISIL members captured by YPG

Interviews with ISIL members captured by the YPG (People’s Defense Units, the armed forces of the government of Rojava, the Syrian Kurdistan), that have been fighting ISIL since 2013. From a 2015 report in Israel’s Channel 1, edited by Binyamin Edelman.

[…] — Where’s the money coming from?
— Saudi Arabia, Turkey… we get plenty of support.
— Weapons too?
— Everything is coming from abroad. Support, weapons, money, everyhing.
— Do you like Saudi Arabia?
— Yes, why wouldn’t we like them?
— And Turkey?

Turkey violated Syria sovereignty by attacking Su-24 in its airspace – Syrian FM

RT | November 25, 2015 The downing of the Russian warplane, which aggressively violated Syria’s sovereignty, is proof to the world of Turkish support for terrorism. This has been going on for years, the Syrian foreign minister said. “This incident has shown the world that [Turkish President Recep] Erdogan and his government are helping terrorists […]