ISIL can’t sustain itself without US airpower: American politician

Press TV – December 19, 2015 “The ISIL simply would not be able to support itself without American airpower,” US politician Art Olivier told Press TV on Saturday. The United States is supporting the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group because it does not want to end war in the Middle East, an American politician and political […]

Once Done With Daesh, US Commandos Will Start Aiding Free Syrian Army

Sputnik – 16.12.2015 The contingent of elite US commandos which is currently on the ground in Syria could well start helping the Free Syrian Army in its fight against the country’s government as soon as they are done with Daesh (ISIL/ISIS), political analyst Dr. George Masse from the American University of Science and Technology in […]

Turkish MP faces treason charges after telling RT ISIS used Turkey for transiting sarin

RT | December 16, 2015 An investigation on treason charges has been opened against a Turkish MP who alleged in an exclusive interview with RT that Islamic State jihadists used Turkish territory as a transit route to deliver deadly sarin gas to Syria. Ankara’s Chief Prosecutor’s Office opened the case against Istanbul MP Eren Erdem […]

Turkey, US failed to notify UN Security Council of ISIS oil smuggling – Russian UN envoy Churkin

RT | December 14, 2015 Ankara and Washington contravened the UN resolution on financing terrorism by failing to inform the Security Council about Islamic State illegally trafficking stolen oil, Russia’s UN envoy has said. “We’ve got serious complaints about the implementation of [UN] resolution (#2199, banning financing of the terrorist organization),” Vitaly Churkin told RIA […]

Sarin materials brought via Turkey & mixed in Syrian ISIS camps – Turkish MP to RT

RT | December 14, 2015 Islamic State terrorists in Syria received all necessary materials to produce deadly sarin gas via Turkey, Turkish MP Eren Erdem has told RT, insisting there are grounds to believe a cover up has taken place. The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) member, Erdem, brought up the issue for public […]