U.S. Greatest Threat is not the Islamic State but the Collapsing Economy

Before the Paris and San Bernadeno terror attacks, “the economy” was Americans’ primary concern, today “ISIS” is Americans’ Number 1 Fear. You may want to reconsider and re-prioritize your fears. You see, no matter how big and bad the Islamic State becomes, it can only behead so many people on any given day. Even if they off…
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‘The only thing Washington has not blamed Iran for is global warming’

RT | January 1, 2016 As Washington sends mixed signals on whether or not it will introduce new sanctions against Iran, Tehran is considering other options should a new round of penalties come to pass, says Seyed Mohammad Marandi, professor at the University of Tehran. The United States delayed the announcement of new penalties, which […]

Court Acquits Turkish Suspects Involved in Sarin Gas Supply to Syria

Fars News Agency – January 1, 2015 A Turkish court in Adana acquitted five Turkish suspects accused of procuring chemicals used in production of sarin gas, Zaman reported. In May 2013, media reported that Turkish special service officers arrested members of Syrian opposition group who were in possession of two kilograms of sarin, Sputnik reported. […]