LIONEL PODCAST: The Destruction of Critical Thinking in the Name of Gawd

It’s the quiddity of human nature. To think and to dissect and to parse that which is apparent and real and not which is gift-wrapped and force-fed via mythology and folklore. While the world burns, while terrorism infects humanity, while hate and dissension and distance rule the day you can always post some syrupy and saccharine pic about peace and sunsets and bunnies and feel like you’ve done something. Forget historicity, e.g.

Brussels Attack: Another Chapter in NATO’s Gladio Strategy?

By Wayne MADSEN – Strategic Culture Foundation – 27.03.2016 Europe has experienced another Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist attack. This time terrorists set off bombs at Brussels International Airport in Zaventem, a stone’s throw away from NATO headquarters, and the Maelbeek Metro station, in the heart of the European Union’s Brussels […]

LIONEL PODCAST: On Bad Plastic Surgery, Psychotics on Buses, Pathetic Media Coverage on Everything, Incredible Brazilian Music and Myriad Miscellany

Stream of unconsciousness. No précis or proem or prolegomenon or introduction or summary or adumbration or skeleton or outline or pithy phrase or reference can or could possibly describe what this podcast is all about. But Charles Manson comes to mind. “Look down at me and you see a fool, Look up at me and you see a god, Look straight at me and you see yourself.” See?

Corbett Report- Sibel Edmonds Shines A Light on the Brussels Attacks

Sibel Edmonds of Boiling Frogs Post & joins us to discuss the Brussels attacks. We discuss Belgium's central role as the base of NATO/EU/Gladio headquarters and how the script of this event follows the script of previous false flags almost precisely. We also talk about the public's reaction to these events and how both the mainstream and alternative media are being divided and conquered to keep people from questioning the true roots of these events.

Turkey orders closed trial for Cumhuriyet editor threatening to expose Erdogan in court

RT | March 25, 2016 The editor of the opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper, Can Dundar, has been punished with a trial behind closed doors, after threatening to put President Erdogan on the defensive with renewed allegations. Many media trials in Turkey of late have gripped national and international attention, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues his […]

Iraqi Shiite militias say US troops ‘forces of occupation,’ demand withdrawal

RT | March 21, 2016 Iran-backed Shiite militia forces in Iraq have strongly opposed new US troops deployed in the country. The militias warned that if Washington does not withdraw its forces “immediately,” they will deal with them “as forces of occupation.” The US military are “making a new suspicious attempt to restore their presence […]