Media Slams Gary Johnson’s Aleppo Gaffe, Ignores Even Worse One from Hillary

(ANTIMEDIA) The corporate media’s focus on how presidential candidate Gary Johnson asked, “What is Aleppo?” during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” provides a unique opportunity for the mainstream media to ignore all the ridiculous things the other presidential candidates have said — including frontrunner Hillary Clinton.
Thankfully, we have independent media.

Geneva: Kerry, Lavrov in Syria huddle

File photo of US Secretary of State John Kerry with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who are meeting in Geneva in another bid to reach Syria consensus [Xinhua]
UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura told reporters that he hoped a last-ditch effort by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry can reach a breakthrough in their talks on Syria today.
“We are all hoping for positive conclusions. The discussions are addressing complex, delicate and difficult issues,” de Mistura said.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Distraction of the Republic in Realtime Real Fast

Let me see if I can clarify my political ideology. (See above.) I think this approximates my feelings anent and regarding the situation at hand. I’m not inclined to vote for Hillary. Or anyone. Save me. #LOUS4POTUS. The threat to our republic that Hillary Clinton poses exceeds and transcends anything that the mere and feeble human mind can possibly and adequately comprehend. She’s a Wall Street shill, a globalist puppet and a warmonger of the first stripe. Is Trump worse? Better, who cares? The lesser of two evils is still evil. And less. (As someone said, methinks.)

LIONEL PODCAST: The Bloodthirsty Candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton

The very fact that referenced piece supra is not immediately recognized by 98% of the electorate shows you the cosmic disconnect that the aforementioned and its lapdog media have as to this more-than-critical issue. Warmongers — a sovereign or political leader or activist who encourages or advocates aggression or warfare toward other nations or groups. Remember? Apparently not. When did we go amnesiac.

UN prepares for Syria meet

Entire cities have been destroyed by five years of intense warfare in Syria [Xinhua]
New Zealand’s UN ambassador announced late Thursday that the Security Council will hold a meeting on Syria later this month on the sidelines of the annual General Assembly.
New Zealand currently holds the UNSC’s rotating presidency; its Prime Minister John Key is expected to chair the meeting.
The announcement comes amid the international community’s continued stalled efforts to end the five-year Syrian civil war which has killed at least 250,000 people and displaced millions.