Iraq Cancer

Decades After A War is Over, Its Destruction Still Continues

Several decades have passed since the Vietnam war ended, but its destruction has still continued. Sometimes a bomb buried in the ground suddenly explodes, and people still die from their impact. These bombs, after all, were designed not so much to destroy buildings but to kill people. These are not very isolated or rare incidents. Thousands of people are reported[Read More...]

Cancer, birth defect: Iraq to sue U.S. over sovereignty violation and use of depleted uranium weapons

An advisor to the Iraqi parliament’s foreign affairs committee said: Iraq government is planning to lodge an international lawsuit against the U.S. for violating the country’s sovereignty and using internationally-banned munitions in civilian areas. Hatif al-Rikabi told Arabic-language al-Maalomah news agency in an interview that Iraq is going to file the case at Swedish and German courts over appalling crimes that the U.S.