Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern Censored in New Zealand: Debate Canceled and Speech Silenced in News Interview

Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern have been touring Australia and New Zealand, giving talks about multiculturalism, immigration, IQ differences between races, white genocide in South Africa, and the war on Western culture. When they were in New Zealand, the owner of the venue canceled and they were censored in an interview on a news program. [...]

Trump Has The Lowest IQ Of Any President From The 20th Century On-- Tillerson Isn't As Cunning, But He's Way Smarter

During the 2016 Republican primary, many of us got used to hearing Trump using the vocabulary of a third-grader. As Jack Shafer pointed out, Señor Trumpanzee "isn’t a simpleton, he just talks like one" resisting "multisyllabic words and complex, writerly sentence constructions when speaking extemporaneously in a debate, at a news conference or in an interview.

We want to keep Ian Welsh slaving away at his computer, don't we?

"I am fundraising to determine how much I’ll write this year.  If you value my writing, and want more of it, please consider donating."-- Ian Welsh, during his fund-raising driveby KenIt's time (actually, almost past time) to show Ian Welsh how much we value his blog-writing.Apologies for my bad timing -- I should have gotten to this a couple of weeks ago, and in this ca

Lack Of Intelligence Doesn't Hurt Conservative Candidates With Conservative Voters

"You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the Senate, though," giggled conservative Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor on the big screen. He was unseated by an undistinguished right-wing extremist, Tom Cotton, 476,309 (56.5%) to 332,669 (39.5%). I don't know how much his remarks to Bill Maher played into his defeat. I don't know how much Arkansas voters care about IQ test results or intelligence in their elected officials at all for that matter.

Digital Dementia-- Is It For Real?

Roland's my closest friend. I call his cell phone at least once a day. But I have no idea what his number is. I press a button on my cell and his phone is automatically "dialed." If I lost my phone, I wouldn't be able to contact him. Oh, wait, I could. All I would have to do is go to my computer and type in the first 3 or 4 letters of his screen name and his e-mail address would come up. If I was at another computer, though, I wouldn't be able to e-mail him either.