
While Wages Have Risen 10% in 20 Years, Real Costs Surge 55%! Easy Money, Big Problems

source / The Money GPS This is how crazy 2020 has been .Everything is breaking records to the up but also the down side. Major disparities have formed everywhere with no resolution in sight. People are waiting for more Fed money, more government stimulus, more helicopter cash. But this has never resulted in long term […]

Economic Crisis Hits Americans as Millions Out of Job, Buildings Empty, More Wage Cuts Coming

source / The Money GPS The financial system has seen its fragility appear in September 2019. The Repo Crisis was covered up but ultimately for those paying attention, this should have been a signal. The Fed can’t actually prevent a crisis. It’s the perception that they can that calms the market. But if the Fed […]

Economic Distress From Every Angle as Underlying Global Weakness Will Persist in 2021

source New York State Lawmakers Weigh Tax Increase on Wealthy – WSJ New York State Lawmakers Weigh Tax Increase on Wealthy New York state lawmakers may act this month to raise taxes on high-income people, a top legislator said, as the state confronts a budget deficit exacerbated by the coronavirus crisis. Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, […]

If You’re Dealing With Unemployment, Wage Cuts, or Crisis THIS Is What You Must Do

source / The Money GPS Assess your current situation: Employment, money, skills?  Get finances in order: Debt. Income.  Get attention: Social media, friends/family.  Craigslist/Kijiji [o]ffer multiple products/services. — The Money GPS: Crisis or Bump in the Road? | Is this a crisis in your life that defines you? Or a bump in the road that […]

Mass Exodus of New York and California as Financial Companies and Wealthy Flee!

source People and businesses need to worry about their bottom line. If the money isn’t there, they make changes. When it’s not possible, they may go bankrupt. Today, many companies are moving, many wealthy people are moving, many people in general are moving, perhaps more than we have seen in a very long time. This […]

93% of World in Recession as Nearly Half of Small Businesses May Close! Economic Contraction

source There has never been a time like this in history. More money has been flowing into financial markets and yet the economies around the world have been suffering. In addition, the prospects for the following year are even worse. This is not sustainable when adding more debt on top of a weak economy, is […]

Who Controls the World? These Organizations, Institutions, and Families Run the Show

source There are many powerful individuals, rich ones, technocrats, politicians, prime ministers, kings, and queens. But it’s those who lurk in the shadows that are in control. One spoke on the wheel has no impact on the system as it has been spinning for hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. There are no coincidences, only […]

Unsold U.S. Hotel Rooms Near 1 Billion! Financial System Hidden Risk With Debt Fiasco

source There are many potential catalysts at this point in time which could lead to an unraveling. Nobody knows what will be the cause but where there is risk, there is fragility, and where there is fragility there will be failure. Right now, commercial property stands to lose the most. Iconic hotels which have remained […]

$10 Trillion MORE Needs To Be Printed For S&P 500 To Hit 4500! Will Money Have Any Value?

source There has been much investment into tech stocks. An embrace of the unknown has become normal today. Unknowns such as: Will the company ever be profitable? What exactly does this company really do anyway? Will this business model even make sense next year? But I guess the real question is who cares? Right? I […]