
The Broken Economy Leaving Millions Without A Job! Economic Crisis or Opportunity?

source   How the Global Economic Collapse Will Happen (Explained In 60 Seconds)   Central Banks embarked on a journey during the financial crisis. Globally, interest rates were brought down to record lows. Monetization of assets, whether it be government debt, corporate debt, or toxic assets, were rescued by central banks and put on their […]

Stock Market MEGA Bubble Fastest In History While Millions Can’t Afford To Eat. Roaring 20’s

source Anyone who has been keeping an eye on the stock market knows it’s been doing well. Sure it’s completely out of whack but the Fed won’t let it fall. I mean, they love us, right? Yes, it’s completely overvalued by every single metric, but who looks at stats anyway? And I know that there’s […]

BIS Central Banker Admits EPIC Level Crisis Is the Most Likely Result of Global Mass QE

source Globally, we are in the middle of a crisis. One which has been papered over, resolving none of the underlying issues. The so-called solutions provided have only exacerbated the problems of too much debt. It’s of course, done on purpose to siphon wealth away from the middle class and into the hands of the […]

Largest Debt Buildup in History Has Created the Major Crisis for 2021 as Economy Weakens

source Economic turmoil has ensued and today we see nothing but chaos. Nothing makes sense. Nothing can be explained. There are lineups for hours to get food. But for those who are employed and now fall into the 401k millionaire status, they’re unable to see what’s around them. There are always haves and have nots. […]

U.S. To END Some Stimulus But Economy Desperately Needs Trillions More Now!

source The Fed loves to print money, there’s no denying that. They can give money to institutions all over the world and face no consequences, or even questions for that matter. In 2008, congress asked Neel Kashkari, who do you work for? Essentially questioning the validity of this entity itself. Today, nobody would dare challenge […]

China Joins World’s Largest Trading Bloc, U.S. EXCLUDED! Reserve Currency Status Remain?

source An empire never falls from the outside in. It’s from the inside out. Today we see what happens when a small handful of people who are capable of causing havoc will do. More and more economic weakness will come and it’s all manufactured. The system of control is defined and required. They print as […]

Watch Commercial Real Estate Failures To See The Financial Crisis Part 2 Unravel!

source In 2008, the world stopped spinning. Everything was out of control. The financial system was beyond weak. Central banks went into territory they never would have dreamed. Today, we are in the same places, navigating through unknown to the masses. This will not end well. Ignorance is not bliss.   Hotel Brands Report Major […]

Mass Store Closures Will Lead To Uncontainable Debt Spiral! Retail and Office Biggest Risks

source As stores continue to close, industries finding themselves shuttered in the dark, some assets are rising to record highs. There is a very unsettling feeling that is visible in various indicators and that corresponds to the obvious and [the] apparent. Just look out your window as you move through the city center. It’s strange. […]